...In mid October, leafs would cover the ground forming what looked to be an orange ocean stretching for miles. Walking down the long, gravel road home after school grew on me nostalgically as I had did it so many times before. The sight of leafs and semi cold weather was a perfect sign that Halloween was right around the corner. As any other kid I was piqued with excitement and wonder to what costume I would wear that Halloween. Less than a week away to Halloween I had gotten severely sick. “But mom i'm fine enough to go walking down the street for peats sake!,” I said trying to hide my fatigue. “You’re too sick to go walking in the cold like this hun,” she replied optimistically. She had seen past my lie, the words echoed in my head, filling...
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...Halloween Ahh! Me, Morgan, and Lexi screamed as we ran down the street, we were terrified. At first my dad dropped me off at lexis. He said “have fun” and drove away. Once I got dropped off I skipped inside and saw that morgan was there so we started to do some games. There was one game that you had to feel inside a bowl blindfolded and guess what it was. There things like brains,blood,and (ex.) There was also a game that you had to use a fork and knife to cut a block of chocolate with gloves on. and there was a game with a donut tied on a string and you had to eat it with no hands. after we did some games we fastly started to make a costume for Mrs.Heidi, it was a black widow.Then it was time to put our costumes on. I was a wizard, morgan was a panda, and lexi was a frankenstein bride.Then we were off to trick-or-treat....
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...It was a dark night, and the harvest moon was out. Chloe was getting ready for her Halloween fiesta in the embrujado house in the center of the cemetery… “Chloe, you look fine!” yelled Lily. (My best friend). “Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it’s really hard to look cute AND aterrador Lily.” I replied. She rolled her eyes and we continued to get ready to leave. Maybe an hour later me and her hopped into my black 1967 Chevy Impala, and headed to la fiesta. By the time we got there la fiesta had already started. I got out of the car and looked at my “broken doll” el disfraz, and thought it didn’t look as good as anyone else’s. Especially with my batted up black and white chuck taylor high top converse. The house that was dead smack in the center of the cemetery stood at three stories tall and was absolutely terrifying. Lily ran up to a group of people who were dressed as a fantasma, momia, bruja, hombre lobo, and a vampiro. I didn’t exactly know anyone there, so I just decided to walk around the cemetery and admire the stars in the sky… and eat some of los caramelos. I also got to admire the cemetery, I noted how every tumba and every lápida was not touched or harmed....
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...Intro: It was late October and Tyrone, Snoop Dog, and Ice Cube decide to explore a haunted and abandoned daycare on Halloween, when they entered the daycare the whole place was torn apart. Suddenly they heard the door behind them screech, then shut and lock. Snoop dog got out his phone and tried to call his mom, “Dang, my call failed.” Snoop dog said while sweat was dripping down his dark skin and his braided hair. “Are you kidding me?” The other two said. But what they didn’t know it that they would never forget what they experienced that night. It was early in the morning, I was wide awake, ”Yes! Today’s Halloween,” I shouted. I hopped out of bed and ran downstairs and got some cereal .I got milk and some cinnamon toast crunch. I ate and then went to watch TV for a little bit. After about 3 hours later I, heard my doorbell ring....
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...Something to say: I’m sorry that this is scary, not funny, I could not think of any funny Halloween stories, all this is fictional and all made up.thank you for understanding. And I’m sorry for this story being 4 pages long. The best part of Halloween each year for most people, is the candy. With its sweet taste and delicious flavors, it’s teeth rotting capabilities is the only downside of eating an abundance of it. There are all kinds of delectable sweets that some people like, and others that some people do not. There are also some kinds that almost everyone don’t know about. I was on the computer one day, chewing on some chocolates that I had bought from the store earlier. It was nearly Halloween, and I wanted to get my sweet tooth going for all the bags and bags of candy that my...
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...of Intro to Expository Writing, my academic writing has greatly improved. My writing started as “Elementary school was like a fairytale; there was a pretty princess and a handsome prince, but I was an evil villain.” And has grown to “Through her diction, Walls creates various tones in order to convey to her audience that despite obstacles, it is possible to escape from a dysfunctional family in hopes of a brighter future.” Using How to Say Nothing in 500 Words, I will be evaluating my own writing by discussing my strengths, weaknesses, and how I have grown as a writer. Writing narratives have always been a personal struggle for me. Unless I passionately come up with a story, and immediately write it on paper, my narratives are bland. It is hard to write personal life-changing stories when I have a deadline. One weakness of mine is using colorful words. For example, a sentence from my personal narrative was written as “It was magnificent with its stained green carpet and plenty of wooden bookshelves stocked with colorful books.” In retrospect, this is how it could have been written, “The spacious library had wooden bookshelves stuffed with leather-bound books, which rested on gritty emerald carpet.”...
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...P3 Planning for Market Research for Cadbury’s New Chocolate Bar. In business it is important for companies to conduct market research in order to find out more about their costumer and to make their strategic decision. For this ask I will be exploring some of the strategies in conducting market research and conducting my own market research for a chosen product. Stages in the Market research Process: This diagram shows the stages of conducting market research. When companies conduct market research a brief is set out to the market research team so that they know what they are doing .the brief tend to be set out in broad term and will consist of clear instruction and what they company want the market researcher to do for example, how many people are eating ice cream and what is their favourite flavours. It will provide details of the organisation, and the project required – for example, to find out how customers are likely to respond to a new type of promotional activity I have created a brief for Cadbury’s new chocolate bar aimed at children. See attached document After the market research team is given the brief, the team will then decide on what resources they will need to conduct the market research. This is important because of the extent of the required research project it is important to know what they are researching the resources they need, and how they are going to do it. It is also important to be clear about the target audience that the research is...
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...Mrs. Sen’s The process of assimilation if very difficult for Mrs. Sen. Unlike the narrator of The Third and Final Continent or even Lilia’s parents, Mrs. Sen finds it impossible to integrate into her new country. Her refusal to learn how to drive is the culmination of her distress. Her frustration is voiced loudly only to Eliot, who is dealing with his own distress. There is a childish, tantrum-like angle to Mrs. Sen’s complaints. She even remarks to Eliot that he is much wise than she was at that age; she never thought for a moment that she would be separated from her family. While the reader sympathizes with her plight, her stubbornness seems greater than it need be. Her husband tries to accommodate her, the policeman does not arrest or fine her for the accident, and the workers at the fishmarket put product on hold for her. In the end, it is Mrs. Sen’s responsibility to make an effort. Unlike Mala in The Third and Final Continent – who was equally distraught about leaving her family – Mrs. Sen does not try to adjust. She is trapped in a cage of her own making. As in Sexy, the main characters have mirror images within the story. Here, Eliot and Mrs. Sen are quite similar. He is trapped in his life as well. The loneliness and distress that Mrs. Sen expresses are familiar emotions. He has front row seats for his mother’s sadness. Unlike Mrs. Sen, Eliot is unable to tell anyone about his plight because, again unlike Mrs. Sen, he is truly powerless. The sympathy one has for Eliot...
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...arguments usually question or celebrate the transgressive potentials of the book (Giroux; Mendieta), or address issues of masculinity brought into the fore by their literary and cinematic representations emergent in the same decade (Tuss; Friday). However, few, if any, have addressed the literary aspirations of the text and its author. Although none of the approaches to the thematic concerns of Fight Club are unjustified, in the argument that follows I will suggest that conclusions drawn and critical judgments passed have been hasty, and not only failed to take into account the formal aspects of story-telling, but that the narrative features of Palahniuk’s text have largely went unexplored, and constitute a blind spot of the reception. Critics condemning or acclaiming the novel, and, indeed, many a cultic reader of Palahniuk ignored Fight Club as a literary narrative, and have inadvertently been repeating the catchphrases of the text, either reinforcing or trying to undermine what they have understood as their meaning. I see the significance of Palahniuk’s fiction and the literary event of Fight Club’s publication in somewhat different terms. Palahniuk’s emphasis and continued insistence on minimalism suggest that his fiction is properly understood as belonging to a literary tradition whose evaluation remains troubled and, for a large part, unsettled. Nevertheless,...
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...peculiar with the influence of modernism and psychologism. However, it was characterized by its attention to details, as well as its attempt to recreate reality as it was, without any decorative language. It tried to reproduce the most detail and objective life of Great Britain before and after World Wars. Realism represented the social life and paid much attention to domestic problems. Its representatives showed tragic vision of life using satire and dark humour, but still their vision of life is much more optimistic than the modernistic one. Talking about their characters, they were social types depicted in their everyday life dealing with their virtues, morals, profession, relationships, worldview etc. Narrative form used by realists is characterized by several narrative characters in order to create an objective vision of life. The most prominent among the writers who continued the traditions of realism were: J. Galsworthy, A. Bennett, H. Wells, B. Shaw; and their followers R. Aldington, G. Orwell, J. Priestley, and E. Waugh. The Novel is certainly the most important literary form of the period. The realistic novel is represented by such novelistic forms as: the social and social-psychological novel (J. Galsworthy, E. Waugh, R. Aldington) the social-domestic novel (A. Bennett, H. Wells) the comic or satirical novel (E. Waugh) family chronicle or epic cycle (J. Galsworthy) science fiction (H. Wells). Despite all this, realism and his representatives suffered...
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...which details are most significant. Topic Suggestions: a basketball, baseball glove, or tennis racket a bowl of fruit a character from a book, film, or television programme a child's secret hiding place a city bus or subway train a closet a favourite restaurant a fridge or washing machine a Halloween costume a hospital emergency room a laptop computer a locker a mobile phone a painting a particular friend or family member a pet a photograph a pizza a rest room in a service station a small town cemetery a storefront window a street that leads to your home or school a treasured belonging a vase of flowers a waiting room a work table an accident scene an art exhibit an ideal apartment an inspiring view an item left too long in your refrigerator an unusual room backstage during a play or a concert the inside of a spaceship the scene at a concert or athletic event your dream house your favourite food your ideal roommate your memory of a place that you visited as a child your old neighbourhood (2) Narration At least one of the topics below may remind you of a particular incident that you can relate in a clearly organised narrative essay. a brush with death a brush with greatness a dangerous experience a day when everything went right (or wrong) a disastrous date a frightening experience a historic event a memorable encounter with someone in authority a memorable journey a memorable wedding or funeral a moment of failure...
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...were then to come. This passage is also revisited much later in the story, with James Spur, the gas attendant, reciting the story to reporters and explaining that he believes it was the Clutter killers that paid him a visit at work late at night. Overall, this passage was engaging because it revealed the motives each of the men had and their overarching character with regards to the crime that they would later commit. Book Entry #2: Pages 152-153 In this entry, I’m going to rewrite Detective Dewey’s entry into the Clutter home in a different, and more morbid tone. The original passage includes a much more warm tone than I’m going for; it even explains that Detective Dewey is comfortable looking through the house. I look to change this narrative and create the opposite; a house he’s uncomfortable searching and peaking through due to the clutter’s existence still in every room even weeks after their murder. Some include some quotes taken out of the books with exact words and sentences written out, while others go completely out of what Capote originally wrote to add to the eerie tone that I’m trying to replicate in the passages below. Dewey fitted a key into the front door of the Clutter house. Inside, the house was still warm, yet Dewey’s thought of what happened during the early morning hours of the 15th sent a shiver down his spine. The shiny-floored rooms, smelling of a lemon-scented polish, made past visitor Susan Kidwell uneasy; the day before she had been visiting the house...
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...Coursework submission sheet Academic Year 2013/ 2014 Programme | BA Fashion Business | Unit | Fashion Marketing 1 | Term | 1 | Teachers | Fabio Ciquera (FC), Abdullah Abo Milhim (AB), Karen Bacchus (KB), and Claudia alvarez kuzteer (CA), | Name and Surname | Tasneem Bhojwani | Student Number | FB1132017490 | Deadline of the submission | Time: Between 12:00-13:00 Date: 28TH November 2013 | Signature | Tasneem Bhojwani | ***Late submission will be penalised*** PLAGIARISM DECLARATION By sending this message I certify that I have read and that I understand the regulations of The University regarding plagiarism and unauthorized collusion. I understand that all of the assignments submitted by me in the course of this module should be work written by me, and that they should clearly cite and reference each and every source that was used in their development. Where I use the actual words of a source, I must put those words inside quotation marks. I understand that the inclusion of a quotation in my answer only adds academic value if I discuss or analyse it, or compare or contrast it with other materials. I understand that submitting materials, or parts of materials, that were not created by me, without clear citation of the source, constitutes academic plagiarism and is a punishable act of academic fraud. I have read and I understand the explanation of how to cite and reference my sources which is available at per the student handbook and guideline...
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...T/R 9:00-10:50 Rolfe 3134 Office Hours: W 12:00 - 2:00 pm Mailbox Location: Humanities 149 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION English 4W aims to expose students to the three major forms of literature (poetry, prose fiction, and drama) through the art of close reading, which literary scholars broadly define as the practice of scrutinizing a text carefully in order to discern complex patterns of meaning. It is impossible to spend sufficient time on the works we will be exploring within the bounds of class-time, so you will be required to spend time reading and writing on your own; this is a practice that will enable you to bring your personal experiences with these works to our discussions in class and participate in an engaged way as part of our community of learning. But our community of learning is broader than the classroom—it also includes the community organizations you will be partnering with for your service-learning. We will be investigating and interrogating a versatile metaphor—cultivation—and how it impacts the cultures and communities in which we live. “Cultivation” leaves its trace on culture both linguistically in the morphology of the word and symbolically by informing the figures we use to talk about the establishment, maintenance and the dissolution of a culture -- as when a character in Shakespeare’s play Richard II refers to England as a “sea-walled garden”...
Words: 3866 - Pages: 16
...Have you ever been so captivated by a child? One where all their thoughts and actions well cultivating, leaving you to want to watch and learn their inner workings. Finn Hudson is that child, in which I chose to do my case study on. Where this paper will go through his background and development of his muscle, bone and brain. Delving through his emotions, social interactions, and self concept. Part 1: General Description and Background of the Child Our Lady of Black Rock School located in the community of Black Rock in Buffalo NY, off of Amherst Street, in the pre-k room, is where you will find Finn Hudson. To contact this school the phone number is (716) 873-7497, where his classroom teacher is Ms. Batista. Fin Hudson was born on august ninth, and is currently 4 years of age. Looking at Finn you can tell that he is the smallest child in his class, approximately 33 inches tall, and weighing in at about 25-30 pounds. He is the cutest little boy with blonde hair and big blue eyes, he is Caucasian with very fair to pale skin. Finn’s parents are separated and he is currently living with his mother full time. He goes to see his father on the weekends. Part 2: Developmental and Behavioral Patterns A. Physical Development Development is a progressive series of changes that occur in a predictable pattern, as a result of the ongoing interplay between biological and environmental influences (Lecture 8/30/12). Physical Development is the biological growth and maturation...
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