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Personal Narrative: Pointe Shoes

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Ever since I was a little girl, dancing has been a huge part of my life. I don’t know where I’d be without dance. All of ballet, in my mind, led up to one thing: pointe shoes. For years, I dreamed about the day I would jeté, pirouette, soutenu on pointe. It takes years of training – with time, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears – it all came down to this. The only thing in my way was a class to prove my qualifications. At only eleven years old, this one class could make or break my continuation of dance. Don’t be nervous, you got this. As I walked into the studio along with my twenty other classmates in my dingy flat shoes, my heart was racing. We started the class with pliés and tendús. You’re doing it!
“Okay class, now it’s time for center,” says the intimidating director of my studio as he takes down notes of every step we make. …show more content…
Their eyes peering over the table glaring at my feet. As we were preforming basic foundation steps, all I could think about were pointe shoes. I jumped the highest I have ever jumped, the farthest I have ever leaped, and I pointed my feet so hard my ankles began to ache. That ache would never stop me though. Don’t quit.
The perfect center section of the class came to an end. Reluctantly, I moved for our corner exercises. My heart began to race again as I prepared to turn. Remember the combination: jeté, pirouette, soutenu. That’s all. Keep going. I was moving across the floor, but all of a sudden, I lost my balance. I slipped! My eyes began to welt up as I got to the other

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