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Health Psychology Research Paper

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We all get sick from time to time. Illness, disease, and physical ailments are included in the package of life. Many will argue that these problems are caused by biological factors, such as bacteria and other micro-organisms, while others are more genetically influenced. Health psychology reveals that maladies can also be caused by social, emotional, and mental factors. Health psychologists are involved in healthcare in a variety of programs including medical units, specialized health care programs, oncology, rehabilitation, and many other programs. They are authorized to work in governmental agencies, corporations, and colleges and universities.
I am pursuing a career in clinical health psychology. This area of health psychology focuses on the treatment of individuals in …show more content…
These health psychologists are involved in relaxation therapy and stress relief, with the overall goal of improving coping mechanisms and an increase in social support (American Psychological Association Division 38, n.d.). Professionals within this career complete both clinical and research activity while specializing in illness development and prevention, pain reduction and management, and recovery factors. Healthy people are taught preventative and healthy behaviors.
While medical doctors are the health professionals involved in the treatment process of maladies, health psychologists are more interested in the person suffering from the disease than the actual illness. Problems someone in this field may address revolve around the emotional and mental well-being of a patient. Health psychologists may try to understand the affects an illness has on a person, why that person chooses to seek medical care, and the way the person interacts with medical doctors (Baskin

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