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Bots Alive Case Study

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The startup company I created is Bots_Alive; the idea of this product came from the MIT Media Lab. The MIT Media Lab is a place where researchers create technology for a better future (“Media Lab,” 1980). I wanted to build something with artificial intelligence and is unpredictable. The idea of Bots_Alive is to help children and young teens grow a love for engineering and coding (Knox, 2017). This product could be a new way of getting the youth interested with engineering and coding. Bots_Alive is a fun invention that is intelligent and unpredictable. The Bots_Alive is a kit that turns Hexbug spiders into intelligent creatures. The bots think on their own and there is little or no help from their owners. This wonderful creature can teach their owners and the owners can teach their robs new tricks. The hope of the Bots_Alive community is to create a strong interest in engineering and how they work. (Knox, 2017). Bots_Alive is excited on how we will affect the future generations of engineering and coding. The products main consumer we are targeting is children and young teens. The power buying of children has grown greatly over the years. In 2003, from ages twelve to seventeen spent 125 billion dollars. Each twelve through nineteen-year old spends about 103 dollars a …show more content…
Sales tax, software upgrades and hardware upgrades are just some things that should be paid and invested in. The way you ship your product is very important for a successful business. Popularity of any product is important because you got to keep it in the thoughts of the consumer's; box art, billboards, and so much more. Another way to get it out in public is banner adverts, networking, reviewers, and conventions that may help (“Article 7,” 1999). Advertisement is a great way to get your product out in the world, but make sure you have a right amount of money to pay for all these

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