Premium Essay

Personal Narrative: The Murder

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(Walks in with handcuffs and tugs as if the person walking her in is holding too tight.)
“Officer I can sit down myself.” The officer asked me my name and day of birth,” Tiana Smith ,June 15, 2000.” The officer then asked me about the murder and I said. “Well (Gasp) the murder, I didn't really expect it well because everything was going fine that summer you know warm air, no school, hanging with friends and the big family trip. Yes-sir-ree just Me, Mama Daddy, my little sister, Krissy, and my stupid annoying brother, Charles. Well we were just camping out at lake Houstan, and I was trying to set up my tent but then my dumb brother has to come over and knock it down. Its really made me mad because on the car ride over there he kept bothering me. So later that night around 6 or 7, Charles and daddy went out to the woods because daddy loved hunting and he was teaching Charles how to shoot a gun and Krissy and I just stayed back and help mama cook dinner, but once daddy and charles came back daddy was madder than ever. …show more content…
About an hour later my parents started getting worried so daddy told us “to stay here with mama and that he was going to look for Charles”, so we did and daddy went looking for Charles, with his gun but then 10 minutes later we heard gun shots then daddy came back. He said we had to leave but I noticed daddy came back with a worried look on his face. Kissy then asked where Charles was, daddy just looked back at her for a second then kept packing up our stuff and he didn't say anything the whole ride

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