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Personal Narrative: Unbroken

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One day during Thanksgiving break I decided to go down stairs to my living room and watch some movies, since I wasn’t really in the mood for hanging out that day. I grabbed one of my big blankets out of the big closet, got me something to drink, grabbed a bag of chips and headed straight for the couch. I turned on the TV and went straight to On Demand, since they always have good movies. As I was scrolling I saw a movie that caught my eye caked Unbroken, it caught my eye because I remember one day in class my Social Studies teacher was discussing World War 2 and he had mentioned a really good movie based on it called Unbroken. So I had begun watching, it started off a little boring but as soon as the troops plane crashed in the ocean killing …show more content…
Eventually one died and the other two were captured by the Japanese navy seals and sent to concentration camps with other US troops. It was such a good but sad movie, my day was going real good until my younger brother Rajan and older sister Indya made their way down the stairs all you could hear were their feet running down the stairs like a bunch of kids on the playground. They came in the living room making their way to the couches, I knew it wasn’t going to be long before the millions of questions came and I was correct, “what you watching” asked Rajan in the most annoying voice in the world it seemed like. “It’s a movie about world war 2 if you’re going to watch it sit down” and knowing my little brother I knew he would have something to say and I was correct once again. “Just because you watching a movie doesn’t mean catch an attitude” and being the older person I let it go and just went to the kitchen to get something to drink. When I come back I notice that my phone is not where I left it so I told my sister to call I did a little looking around, I noticed the wall was making like a vibrating noise I looked behind the couch and saw my phone lying

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