...sources within the text Reference list Electronic items Referencing secondary sources Different works of the same author and same year Audio recording Australian Bureau of Statistics (AusStats) Brochure Government report (online) Image on the Internet Lecture (unpublished)/ personal communication Podcast (from the Internet) Thesis Video recording, television broadcast or episode in a series Video (from the Internet) Web page / document on the Internet Books and book chapters Single author Two authors Three to six authors More than six authors No author (inc dictionaries/encyclopaedias) Edited book Chapter, article or section in a book Chapter or article in an edited book E-book Journal articles, newspaper articles and conference papers Journal article (print version) Journal article (full-text from electronic database) Non-English journal article translated into English Newspaper article (available in print) Newspaper article (from electronic database) Article (from the Internet, not available in print version) Proceedings of meetings and symposiums, conference papers Systematic reviews University of Western Sydney Library APA Referencing Style Guide Referencing Referencing acknowledges the sources that you use to write your essay or assignment paper. In-text citations are used throughout your writing to acknowledge the sources of your information. The full references for the citations are then...
Words: 4555 - Pages: 19
...History 103 001 Cultural Revolution in China: views on Mao’s Era. Yi Jie Yang 40223109 Professor: Steven Hugh Lee Chinese culture has had great misunderstandings particularly in the western countries owing to the views represented by socio-cultural scholars, historians and literature writers. This paper reviews two books that explore the Cultural Revolution in China with a major focus on the Authors’ Writing Style and their views on Mao’s Era. Writing Style In the book “Born red: a chronicle of the Cultural Revolution.” The author, Yuan Gao, explores the first violent years of China’s Great Proletarian culture revolution. Gao provides an account of his own experience as a Red Guard in the Cultural revolution bringing out the readers as close as they can get to the political vortex that shaped the views of millions of teenagers behind the national movement that brought China to the blink of civil war[1]. Born Red entails more than the recollection of a political nightmare including a concise narrative of an adolescent torn by conflicting loyalties as the author is called upon to participate in the destruction of the world that has nurtured him. The author’s story provides tribute to the durability of cultural traditions at a time when nihilism was at its best. Gao clearly outlines the Cultural Revolution in China in an attempt to create a way for a more egalitarian and...
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...political scientist Robert Vitalis tackles the early history of Aramco in Saudi Arabia prior to that kingdom's 1980 nationalization of the industry in America's Kingdom: Mythmaking on the Saudi Oil Frontier. Vitalis's research demonstrates that while a security-for-oil understanding forms the basis of the U.S.-Saudi relationship, the origins of the bilateral relationship were private financial interests. He approaches his study with an academic's love for archives and declassified documents. He does not whitewash Saudi history with the happy, pre-9-11 narrative so popular among Saudi scholars. Instead, he talks about the racism that pervaded Aramco camps, not only dividing Saudis and Americans but also segregating Palestinians and Pakistanis, who formed an intermediate tier. In an age of heightened political sensitivities, he points out early strains caused by U.S. workers draping a Saudi flag over a company bar and personal ridicule directed toward the Saudi king. Interest in Saudi Arabia grew after the 9-11 terrorist attacks. Perhaps the...
Words: 1450 - Pages: 6
...[Date] [Date] AK [company name] AK [company name] H120 Introduction to the History of East Asia Essay 3 Andy Ricci 622624 Word Count: 2018 H120 Introduction to the History of East Asia Essay 3 Andy Ricci 622624 Word Count: 2018 Why do we sometimes refer to the events of 1868 in Japan as a 'restoration', but to those of the years following 1911 in China as 'revolutions'? Introduction The Meiji Restoration of 1868 in Japan and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 were responsible for producing an enormous amount of upheaval in both countries. Both nations were immersed in social, political and economic backwardness. In this context, both political episodes should be construed as an attempt to reverse decline and set the course for modernization. The main thesis of this essay is based on the notion that whilst there are some similarities between both political events, the main difference resides in the fact that the Meiji Restoration began the centralization of the mechanisms of governance and induced the social and economic modernization of the country. At the same time, the Chinese Revolution of 1911 did not succeed in engendering a sound system of government capable of reversing the country’s decline. The first part of the essay will deal with the main characteristics of the Meiji restoration of 1868. The second section of the essay will outline the main features pertaining to the Chinese Revolution of 1911. The third part of the essay will examine the similarities and differences...
Words: 2686 - Pages: 11
...Parliament (includes bills) Audio recording Australian Bureau of Statistics (AusStats) Australian Bureau of Statistics (Census information) Brochure Government report (print) Government report (online) Image on the Internet Lecture (unpublished)/ personal communication Legal cases Microfiche/microfilm document Patent/ Trademark (electronic database) Podcast (from the Internet) Study guide Thesis Tutorial/ lecture handout Video recording, television broadcast or episode in a series Video (from the Internet) Web page / document on the Internet Books and book chapters Single author Two authors Three to six authors More than six authors No author Edited book Chapter, article or section in a book Chapter or article in an edited book E-book Reference materials Journal articles, newspaper articles and conference papers Journal article (print version) Journal article (full-text from electronic database) Non-English journal article translated into English Newspaper article (available in print) Newspaper article (from electronic database) Article (from the Internet, not available in print version) Proceedings of meetings and symposiums, conference papers Systematic reviews University of Western Sydney Library APA Referencing Style Guide Referencing Referencing acknowledges the sources that you use to write your essay or assignment paper. In-text citations are used throughout your writing to acknowledge the sources of...
Words: 4993 - Pages: 20
...Transform Your Team, Your Business and Your Community. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. MAJOR THESIS The book The Serving Leader, presents an alternative approach to leadership based on actions rather than theory. The dynamics of Serving Leadership are introduced using a narrative centered on an estranged son and his dying father. It is through the personal journey of the characters, documented in the journal of the son, that concepts of servant leadership are outlined. Serving Leadership is made up of five key principles that can be effectively applied in individuals, teams, businesses, or communities. The following text examines each of those principles as well as identifies how this approach relates to issues affecting human resource management. The book begins by introducing the fictional son and father characters and their tumultuous relationship. Mike Wilson is a partner in a prestigious consultant firm who is amidst launching his firms’ leadership practice when he is suddenly called home to assist his estranged father, Robert Wilson a well know business leader, with his own leadership project due to his failing health. The text begins to actually touch on Serving Leadership by giving a brief overview. The approach is actually based on existing servant leadership ideas, the difference comes from the focus of the actual activities of the Serving Leader. According to Jennings & Stahl-Wert (2004), “The Serving Leader is down here at the bottom….unleashing...
Words: 1670 - Pages: 7
...on the LO in the context of learning and OL and in particular the theoretical tensions and dilemmas existing between these concepts. Management theorists have under-utilised the insights and practices from other disciplines such as sociology, philosophy and anthropology. As Burrell (1994) argues: Sooner or later organisation studies must enter an area where philosophy and social science meet. Organisation studies must also enter intellectual theory where the well-established French and German traditions of social theory meet. The author Deb Stewart is a Lecturer in the School of Management, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Keywords Learning organization, Organizational learning, Organizational change, Metaphor, Narratives Abstract Examines the theoretical and practical development of the concept of the learning organisation (LO). Some theorists...
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...hunter.” Chinua Achebe, Home and Exile Literature is the expression of life in words of truth and beauty.It encompasses all genres of literature-poetry,prose,fiction,drama,philosophy,history etc.Among them,fiction is any narrative,whether in prose or verse,which is invented instead of being an account of events that actually happened. The voice of Africa in the world of letters tries to emancipate Africa from its literary stereotype.Africa is no longer a gloomy phenomenon,a dark continent.Chinua Achebe, the major exponent of the modern African novel,is greatly concerned with the two realities of social man –his individual and group identity,the legacy of colonialism, and the shift in the system of values of life leading to rampant corruption- moral and monetary. He is also concerned with the use of English as the medium of expression of African experience defining the relevance of colonial and post-colonial experience to the present .Achebe’s novels are dialectic tranformation of experience, a new way of looking at tradition to create a different order of reality through universalizing imagination.Though he has followed the established tradition of novel writing in English, Achebe has put few things ‘African’ and has successfully employed certain narrative techniques of narration to give authenticity and African flavour to his novels in order to attract the native audience and overseas readers as well. Chinua Achebe , the doyen of African writing, the major exponent of...
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...Past Papers, Marks Scheme indicative content and examiners Report comments June 2010 A) How far did ‘peaceful coexistence’ ease Cold War tensions between the Soviet Union and the USA in the years 1953–61? Mark Scheme: Candidates should have knowledge about the main features of ‘peaceful coexistence’ in the period 1953-61. Developments which helped to ease Cold War tensions might include: the end of the Korean War (1953); Soviet settlement of border disputes with Turkey and Iran (1953) and recognition of Israel (1953); Austrian independence and improved Soviet-Yugoslav relations (1955); the ‘Geneva spirit’ based on east-west summit diplomacy and Khrushchev’s visit to the USA in 1959. Developments which sustained Cold War tensions during the period might include: US attitudes towards communism in the 1950s (domino theory, ‘roll back’, Eisenhower doctrine); Soviet concept of peaceful coexistence based on long-term victory of communism; the impact of the Hungarian Rising (1956) and the launch of Sputnik (1957); the U2 spy plane incident (1960) and the issue of Germany (1958-1961). At Levels 1 and 2 simple or more developed statements will provide either only simple or more developed statements about peaceful coexistence with either only implicit reference to the extent tensions were eased or argument based on insufficient evidence. At Level 3, students should provide some sustained...
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...its workings and escape into the fictitious society of Gilead. By escaping my own reality and entering one of fantasy, The Handmaids Tale has enabled me to compare and contrast my society to Atwood’s dystopian society and led to the realisation of the importance remaining divergent to Gilead. The Handmaids Tale is a dystopian novel written by Margaret Atwood in which the women, particularly the handmaids are used entirely for their wombs, as the rest of their body and personality are relinquished. Throughout the entirety of the text, men are the supreme gender, having absolute power over the females. The females serve one purpose to the society of Gilead, procreation. All other tasks that remain in the society are left to the males; leadership, doctors and guards are all males within the text as Atwood depicts a society, which materialise the Handmaids. It’s forbidden for us to be alone with the Commanders. “We are for breeding purposes … we are two-legged wombs, that’s all: sacred vessels, ambulatory chalices.” Offred is reflecting on her use to Gilead, her only use is to be impregnated and deliver a healthy child. It is concerning to the reader that Offred realises her purpose as it highlights the emphasis the society has on this use for women. Because Offred realises her purpose, feelings of sympathy are stirred within the readers towards the women who are in such dire circumstances. The women’s bodies have become separated form their attitude, morals and identity. Throughout...
Words: 1970 - Pages: 8
...SECRET LANGUAGE of • HOW LEADERS INSPIRE ACTION THROUGH NARRATIVE The LEADERSHIP STEPHEN DENNING John Wiley & Sons, Inc. More Praise for The Secret Language of Leadership “Out of the morass of strategies leaders are given to transform organizations, Denning plucks a powerful one—storytelling— and shows how and why it works.” —Dorothy Leonard, William J. Abernathy Professor of Business, Emerita, Harvard Business School, and author, Deep Smarts: How to Cultivate and Transfer Enduring Business Wisdom “The Secret Language of Leadership shows why narrative intelligence is central to transformational leadership and how to harness its power.” —Carol Pearson, director, James MacGregor Burns Academy of Leadership, University of Maryland, and coauthor, The Hero and the Outlaw “The Secret Language of Leadership is not only the best analysis I have seen of how and why leaders succeed or fail, it’s highly readable, as well as downright practical. It should be mandatory reading for anyone interested in engaging a company with big ideas who understands that leaders live and die by the quality of what they say.” —Richard Stone, story analytics master, i.d.e.a.s “A primary role of leaders is to create and maintain meaning for their organizations. Denning clearly demonstrates that meaningmaking comes from stories well told.” —Thomas Davenport, President’s Distinguished Professor of I.T. and Management, Babson College, and author, The Attention Economy “Steve...
Words: 100587 - Pages: 403
...opportunity to understand better the material being studied. What does the research say about peer tutoring? In reviews of peer tutoring programs, researchers found: * When students participated in the role of reading tutor, improvements in reading achievement occurred * When tutors were explicitly trained in the tutoring process, they were far more effective and the students they were tutoring experienced significant gains in achievement * Most of the students benefited from peer tutoring in some way, but same-age tutors were as effective as cross-age tutors (Burnish, Fuchs & Fuchs, 2005; Topping, 2008) Some benefits of peer tutoring for students include higher academic achievement, improved relationships with peers, improved personal and social development as well as increased motivation. In turn, the teacher benefits from this model of instruction by an increased opportunity to individualize instruction, increased facilitation of inclusion/mainstreaming, and opportunities to reduce inappropriate behaviors (Topping, 2008). There is an old saying: “To teach is to learn twice.” Peer tutoring is a beneficial way for students...
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...Shafiq is former PLO member who gives a unique perspective on PLO actions from 1964 to 1993 when he resigned from the organization. His analysis of the international conflicts and perspectives gives context to the global view of the U.N on the overall PLO decision making process. His inclusion of the international perspective gives a fuller context than Caplan’s mostly two sided narrative on the Israel Palestine conflict. He argues that the main goal of the PLO was to achieve a just peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and to build a democratic state in Palestine for all its citizens. The author uses himself as a primary source and his memory and experiences within the PLO. The author recounts how the Israeli’s bombed his office, “ (Ḥūt n.d.) The book really gives a personal in depth perspective behind the decisions made by the PLO leadership and their motives. The PLO felt like they were the victims of European, influence and that the Israel state would treat them like the British did under apart did rule to other...
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...FA ND OM UNB OUND —-1 —0 —+1 561-47344_ch00_1P.indd i 7/27/11 6:21 PM -1— 0— +1— 561-47344_ch00_1P.indd ii 7/27/11 6:21 PM FAN DO M U N BOUND Otaku Culture in a Connected World Edited by MIZUKO ITO DAISUKE OKABE IZUMI TSUJI —-1 —0 —+1 New Haven & London 561-47344_ch00_1P.indd iii 7/27/11 6:21 PM Published with assistance from Copyright © 2012 by Yale University. All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. The author has made an online version of this work available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. It can be accessed through the author’s Web site at http:www.itofisher.com/mito. Yale University Press books may be purchased in quantity for educational, business, or promotional use. For information, please e-mail sales.press @ yale.edu (U.S. office) or sales @ yaleup.co.uk (U.K. office). Designed by James J. Johnson Set in Janson Roman and Helvetica type by Westchester Book Group, Danbury, CT Printed in the United States of America [[CIP info to come]] A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence...
Words: 8227 - Pages: 33
...at theatres, on television, or home video are typically narrative films. They tell stories about characters going through experiences. But what are they really about? What is the content of a film? DIGGING DEEPER: FOUR LEVELS OF MEANING Recounting the plot of a movie, telling what happens, is the simplest way to explain it to someone else. But this is neither a film review nor a film analysis. It’s merely a synopsis that anyone else who sees or has seen the movie will likely agree with. This level of content may be called the referential content, since it refers directly to things that happen in the plot and possibly to some aspects of the story that are merely implied by the plot. In John Boorman’s Deliverance (1972), four men from the city go on a weekend canoe trip that unexpectedly becomes a life or death struggle for survival of man against man and man against nature. Some characters survive, others don’t. Most films can be analyzed more thoroughly to reveal deeper levels of meaning. A review (perhaps 400-1200 words) typically includes personal impressions and evaluations of a movie’s content and techniques. A good review may be subjective, yet still touch superficially on topics that might be explored in more detail in a longer formal analysis. An analysis (perhaps 1200-12,000 words) attempts to determine how the film actually uses various cinematic techniques and elements of film or narrative form to make a viewer react in a certain way and why it...
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