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Personal Narrative: Who I Real Am

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As a freshman I have found high school to be an amazing place, a place where you get to take control over your future because every step you take, counts. Education has always been an important and must take thing, because I have learned that everything you have can disappear but not the things you have in your head. Therefore reaching for your program is crucial step in finding out who I real am. The time when I was part of an orphanage in Colombia, allowed me to see that being normal was just like being a robot. Following what everyone is doing, thinking the same way, becoming part of the crowd and stopping yourself from sharing to the world the new and different ideas is giving up on yourself. I don't want to give up, I will make a change in those animals lives …show more content…
I want to start taking those baby steps that will allow me to reach my dream, I have decided to start this summer, I want to experience new things and learn more about myself, I want to take on challenges that will allow me to grow as an independent person. I want to prove to myself that I care for my future. I want to promise the animal world that I will share happiness with them. I have decided to become my own leader, to share my ideas with those who like me are looking for ways to change the world with things that matter for them. I wanted to find a space where I would be allowed to learn along with people who care about their future, with people who want to become active towards their dreams. And I have found your programm. Your program tells me that I will be able to keep the promise to my younger self, the promise that I will become a successful and happy person, a person with a positive point of view. I have learned that education is the one that takes your far in life, and I want to get there, I want to be different from my biological parents that didn't have the opportunity to see the bright sight of the

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