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Personal Narrative: You Run

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You Run?
Everyone else on the volleyball team groaned; shoulders drooped while court shoes and ankle braces were sluggishly untied. I, on the other hand, fought to maintain a poker face: I was excited. Our coach’s methods were questioned more than once when her team had to run a timed mile every day. I finished in six minutes and thirty seconds-- And so my love affair with running began.
Besides volleyball, a few key events and the nature of my upbringing steered me toward running. This includes the privilege of being brought up on a farm, a basketball injury, and an exceptional cross country coach. Discovering a passion for running unveiled the bedrock of my personality.
Growing up on a farm developed my work ethic. I have baled hay, rescued and nursed frostbitten calves, and yes, shoveled manure on Christmas Eve. Being raised in such a home, with parents who juggle the demanding responsibilities of medical practices with the farm, has taught me the importance of respect, lending a helping hand, accepting the natural course of life through birth and death, and working hard to put the needs of the farm before my own. Working hard has not only allowed me to push myself in academics but in athletics, as …show more content…
I leaped, I landed, my leg crumpled.
Reconstructive surgery was followed by crutches and physical therapy. This was simply an event that happened, a setback that never became a part of who I am. The injury was like a chore that needed to be checked off a list. In hindsight, knee reconstruction was not life threatening and I never doubted I would be running soon. I recognize that others deal with much more severe health issues. My injury, however, mostly proved to present an opportunity. By the time junior year started, my surgeon vetoed any sport that required pivoting, but granted permission to run. Remembering volleyball, I joined cross

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