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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

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Everyday an officer decides to put on his suit and badge his life is put on the line. When I say this, I mean with the amount of evil that occurs throughout the world a police officer is seen as a super hero someone that comes to save the day, like Batman or Captain America. Unlike these fiction characters these police officers have one life to live when it comes to stopping crime, protecting themselves from bloodborne pathogens, or communicable diseases. According to Kulbarsh P, (2011),” While arresting suspects, investigating crimes, conducting searches, or taking samples, police can be exposed to a staggering number of pathogens. A disease is termed communicable if it is infectious and can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. …show more content…
With this possible outcome officers deal with chances of contacting diseases from contact by needles, razor blades, smoking pipes, or even contact with bodily fluids. On the other hand, police officers can contact diseases through sexual activities with another person who carries gonorrhea and syphilis.
Likewise, gears are worn by police officers to ensure that they can conduct there jobs safely. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is designed to prevent serious injuries and illnesses or contact with chemical/ physical hazards. The equipment’s include gloves, goggles, vests, gas masks, and body vest. Unlike police officers, the super hero’s we see in movies do not need any of the above items to stay alive and fight another day. Police officers are instructed to protect us, and, in the end, they are the same individuals who need protecting from criminals that do not have much to live for.
In conclusion, Police officers face several fatalities and an even greater chance of exposure to a deadly disease. Can you even imagine someone having the flu and coughing or even spitting on a police officers face or even droplets touching the eye, lip, or hands of a police officer can turn a regular traffic stop into a contaminated

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