I am one of my company’s safety officers; we have a committee that meets monthly to discuss safety. Some of our typical conversations cover our workplace area, and good housekeeping. Before our meeting there is several inspections that occur, these will be reported about in our meeting. Last month I s tasked to inspect all the companies safety equipment and personal protective equipment. My inspection was broke down into three categories, availability, serviceability and whether it was within calibration standards. During the availability portion I was to find out how easy it was to get if needed, and if there was enough available according to how many personnel used it. Having enough PPE was the biggest issue that I found. Safety glasses, hard hats and leather gloves were items that I found not every person had. We did have adequate amounts of disposable earplugs. I had my supply order the shortages and ordered earmuffs that attach to the hard hats, so everybody had them. We have several generators at our company; hearing protection is a high priority. Serviceability was next on my agenda. There is a lot of equipment in my company that is getting old and out dated. This equipment is very expensive, so I needed to justify major purchases. I did not find much that was not functional. I was able to get little tools purchased, and put an order in for more updated equipment. We are very reactive, not proactive. When things break they are purchased, if they’re not broke we won’t fix them. Lastly I had to check to see if the equipment has been properly tested within the allotted time frame. This area had been neglected, and I found numerous deficiencies. I found test equipment that was out of date with calibrations and PPE that was out of its window for inspection. We now have a revolving account set up especially for these items. About half of our HV rubber