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Fire Prevention


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Words 961
Pages 4
Fire Prevention: Prepared or Not
Eric Brown
Kaplan University
Fire Prevention Practices
FS-105 09
Prof. Chipper Wilkerson

Abstract Does fire prevention need to be taught before you get formal education to put out the fire? Once you know how and why it started can that make a difference in how you go about teaching fire prevention or even to put out the fire. This is a different way to think about fire prevention that has to be looked into to find out if this is a better way. Engineering, Education and Enforcement have worked for now maybe it’s time to change the The Three E’s around and make education the most important.

The Job of Fire Prevention
The implementation of the fire bureau has led to better enforcement of life safety codes and inspections to help prevent fires from happening. There have been many instances in history that show how fire prevention could have saved lives. What has to be done to reinvent the idea of fire prevention? How many fire departments do fire prevention every day, my guess would be not many. Fire prevention should be taught every week not just during fire prevention week for the idea to help prevent fires from happening. The U.S. population has the mentality that fires only happen to others and not me and if it does I am insured attitude(Hensler, 2011). Some firefighters receive their training on fire prevention on the job, but does that mean they are being taught by someone who has had formal training or was that person taught on the job. The efforts to change the culture of the fire service from a suppression mindset to a safety mindset are causing some in the fire service to be considered a hieratic. We need to change the way we train by making Fire prevention a fundamental duty and the power to enforce the codes(Hensler, 2011). The responsibility to perform an inspection has to be approached

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