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Personal Statement: Hudson Bubble

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In summer of 2007, I ventured into the unknown and traveled halfway across the world to the Philippines, where my mom was born. On every highway corner, under every bridge, along the side of many streets, were not houses, but shelters. Nay, these homes could barely be called a shelter. The shantytowns varied from homes made of metal to homes made of cardboard or cloth. I was in complete and utter disheartenment, for never before had I witnessed people living so meagerly; my ignorance was equally appalling. I now live in what is called the “Hudson bubble” where everything is safe and the majority is ignorant of the tremendous poverty around the world. After seeing true destitution, I have tried to give back to my community and give back to the …show more content…
In addition to helping my community, I aspire to travel to developing (in less politically correct terms, third-world) countries (like the Philippines) to help the sick who cannot afford substantial healthcare. I feel that even if I can only help a few, there will be a chain reaction and the world will be a better place. It continues to break my heart every day to see people who live in poverty while there are also many who live in excessive wealth. My current view of social justice in medicine is very similar to that of Paul Farmer; the well should take care of the sick and, better yet, the well-off should take care of the …show more content…
I have always enjoyed interacting with others and getting to know new people. Knowing myself, I would not be able to work day in and day out without directly talking to people and getting to know whom I am helping. Going to the doctor used to scare me (usually because of shots), but after meeting my family physician, Dr. Russ, I immediately felt calmer, especially because of his humor and personality. One day, I hope to have the same effect in someone's life. In addition, I have been fortunate to be able to spend adequate time shadowing and rounding with another family physician, Dr. Plate. I witnessed how in touch she was with her patients and how much she knew about each and every one. I could tell the patients felt comfortable sharing their lives and problems (even if they were not necessarily medically relevant) with Dr. Plate because they trusted her, due to the time she took to get to know them. The doctor-patient connection is as meaningful to the patient as it is to the doctor, something I was easily able to tell through the patient's smiles and how Dr. Plate spoke of each patient (she even has a bulletin board dedicated to them). I hope to one day feel as fulfilled as Dr. Plate and be able to build the doctor-patient connection through trust, just as she

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