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Explain How Discipline Gather Information

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1. The way the discipline gathers data and/or information is through scientific lenses; almost like scientific method. Scientific method is a formatted procedure used to organize your thoughts and the data you researched. The format is structured in a way to help understand your findings and develop your conclusion. Experimental designs, peer reviews, data analysis and scientific knowledge are all ways that the scientific method discipline gathers data and/or information to be knowledgeable and understanding of something. There are other ways that discipline could gather data and information; psychology and math. In addition, psychology is one of the other perspectives that have ways of how discipline gathers data and/or information. Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and the way it functions. Psychology also uses methods such as, scientific method, case studies, quantitative, qualitative, labs and surveys. These are ways that help develop formats such as; research reports, poster presentations, conferences and podcasts. Matter of fact, the formats could help you understand and become more knowledgeable about the human mind and the behaviors. Lastly, but certainly not least, math is also viewed from scientific lenses and there are many ways that discipline gathers data and/or …show more content…
There are so many ways a researcher could/should present information so it is valued by the discipline. The reason why a researcher should present information, is because their findings could be more reliable with such evidence provided on their topic. Information is consisted of facts provided from reliable sources, that could lead you into becoming more knowledgeable about your topic. For example, a scientist or a researcher could/should present information through the scientific method. Scientific method consists of systematic observations, measurements, experiments, formulations, testing, and modification of

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