...Field of Social Psychology: How We Think About and Interact with Others Introduction: Interaction between individuals is a regular fact in life. The impact of relationships and interactions is of interest to Social Psychologists. This lecture will provide you with a basis for examining social behaviour and the various theories that explore human interaction and its resultant outcomes. Lecture #1 Notes: This week’s notes will provide a brief introduction into the discipline of Social Psychology - covering some of the basic principles and tenets of this branch of psychology before we dive into the topics and research. So what is Social Psychology? Definition of Social Psychology: the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior and thought in social situations. • Allport (1935) defined social psychology as the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. • Social Situations = actual, imagined or implied presence of others • Behavior = Overt behavior plus thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes • Scientific Field = Combination of Arts and Science skills How Does Social Psychology Differ from Sociology? • Differ in level of analysis Sociology: Tends to use societal level of analysis. How do unemployment rates affect levels of violent crime in Vancouver? Social Psychology: Tends to focus...
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...What is Psychology? Psychology – the scientific study of the human mind, mental states, and human behaviour. History of Psychology • Like Anthropology, Psychology is not very old • Born in the late 19th Century in Germany • Root word of Psychology is “Psyche” meaning “soul” Why did it take so long for Psychology to develop and be created? • Religions stood as an obstacle to the development of psychology Psychology became divided due to the fact that people disagreed about… 1. What to study 2. Methods of study – how to study psychology (experiments/interviews) 3. What the goal of psychology was (treatment/way to understand people) Branches of Psychology 1. Psychoanalysis – studies where it all came from/originated • Believes it is unconscious thoughts that make you who you are – Helps to predict behaviour • Unconscious Thoughts – thoughts you are not aware of • Childhood is the key to life and who you are • Children have natural desires • Childhood desires get “bottled up” • Believes that childhood memories that get “bottled up” come back to haunt you later in life • Sexual desire is “bottled up” in teens • Believes that troubled adults are people who have not approved of their childhood • Not very scientific Ways of Study • Dream Interpretation • Hypnotism • Free Association 2. Behaviourism – studies conscious thoughts and actions • Also believes childhood is crucial • Takes what you say seriously • Believes that you learn to behave in a certain...
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...Yulisa Sohan Psychology 1100-06 December 04, 2013 Professor Julie Pellman What is Psychology? Psychology is the study of the behavior of living organisms. The people that study the behaviors are called psychologists. There have been many studies done by these people to try and figure out why people or animal do the things they do. Psychology's four main goals are to describe what occurred, explain why it occurred, predict what event is likely to occur next, and to change to prevent unwanted outcomes. Psychologists study the process of thinking, learning, cognition, emotions, motivations, and personalities. An example of one study that has been done would be why a dog salivates to the sound of a bell and show. This behavior is due to a conditioned stimulus becoming a conditioned response. Another experiment done was with a baby and a white mouse to see if the baby would be scared if something happened while grabbing for the mouse. The main type of psychology is called clinical psychology. Clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness, abnormal behavior and psychiatric problems. This field integrates the science of psychology with the treatment of complex human problems, making it an exciting career choice for people who are looking for a challenging and rewarding field. (Sherry, n.d., p. xx-xx) Clinical psychology includes both scientific research, focusing on the search for general principles, and clinical...
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...Psychology- the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. That’s the definition given by Google. However, people agree that Psychology is more than a simple study of the mind. Psychology is a complex science, one that helps the Psychologist understand how the human mind behaves at any given time, helps the Psychologist comprehend how the human mind works. Psychology 101 states that Psychology has 5 basic goals, “Describe, Explain, Predict, Control, and Improve.” The goal of describing is to observe behavior and describe what was observed as unbiased as possible. Explaining is when a Psychologist has to analyze what was observed, and imagine the reason behind the actions. Predicting comes when we already know what and why it happens, and we want to figure out what will happen next. The next goal is controlling, which is another way of saying how we can stop what was predicted, to finally Improve the person’s life. Psychology, like every other science, has 2 major sections. Research, which increases knowledge of the subject, and practice, where our knowledge is used to solve problems in the world. Psychology touches many subjects, and has many different fields of study. About.com gives a few, “Biopsychology, clinical psychology, etc.” They also say that “psychology touches on a number of other subjects including biology, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology, new areas of research are continually...
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...I. What is psychology? It comes from the two Greek words: Psyche-mind, Logos-study. It suggests that psychology is simply 'study of the mind'. Psychology is: • a scientific discipline that seeks to understand human behavior • the science of behavior and mental activity • also a profession aimed at improving the quality of life Its goals include to Describe, to Explain, to Predict, and to Control the occurrences that are its subject matters. It is usually grouped with; Natural sciences (biology), Sociology, Philosophy, Linguistics, Economics, and with Political science. Psychology can be both basic and applied science. The basic research seeks to understand the rules of behavior. The applied research tries to solve concrete problems; therefore it is more practical than the basic. It seeks to develop appropriate applications of the result of the basic research. Within psychology there is a concern in connection to the problem of the extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either inherited (i.e. genetic) or acquired (i.e. learned) characteristics. Nature is that which is inherited / genetic. This is the attributes that we are born with. Nurture refers to all environmental influences after conception, i.e. experience. Questions of psychology: 1) Free will or determinism? -are you free to choose your own behavior or is it somehow determined by natural laws? 2) Are humans merely animals?-if so, how do they differ? If not, what are they? 3)...
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...------------------------------------------------- What is Psychology? Psychology is derived from the Greek words Psyche and logos, meaning soul and study. To Greeks, Psychology is simply a study of the soul. Different authors define Psychology in different ways but in 1990, Feldman defines Psychology as the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Scientific because it uses the steps in a scientific method in its quest to understand why a person behaves in a certain manner. It is systematic and empirical and it is dependent upon measurements. A scientific method generally follows the ff. steps: 1.) Identification of the Problem 2.) Formulation of Hypothesis 3.) Gathering of Data 4.) Interpretation and Analysis of Data 5: Generalization of Conclusion Behavior includes everything that we do – thinking, feeling, writing, reading, imagining, etc. Kinds of Behavior a. Overt -> behavior that is observable by others and can be seen readily (ex. Laughing, shouting, talking, etc.) b. Covert -> behavior that is internal therefore not observable and cannot be seen. This comes in the forms of feelings, thoughts, and motives (ex. Happy, angry, imaginations, etc.) Sigmund Freud, a Psychoanalyst classified behavior according to a person’s awareness of his behavior, to wit: a. Conscious Behavior -> any behavior that the person is aware of (ex. walking, eating, etc.) b. Unconscious Behavior -> any behavior that the person is not aware of (ex. mannerisms...
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...well we all know that psychology is derieved from a greek word psche and logos... psyche means soul and logos means study... the term psychology basically means study of soul. but the psychologist in earlies time got no perticular proof or defination to define psychology because the term soul was not pratical and no one could actually define about how it looks and where is it located so the terms study of soul was not reffred to psuchology any more later the psychology was termed as the study of mind but again the same problem arised as the term mind was not practical in terms of explanaiton... later after much efforts psychologists togather gave a simpler defination to psychology that is study of conative cognativee and affective behaviour of man and animal which are concious and unconcious. the common goals of psychology are: 1. to describe the behavious of people and other spices. 2.to ifnd the causes of behaviour. 3.to predict about how people will behave in certain situations or cicumstances. 4.to influence the behaviour of people by identifying its causes. 5.to appply psychological knowledege in differant way to enhance the huma life.. we have known a lot aout the goals of psychology now lets go little deep into it and know what is the scope of it.. the scope of psychology is really very wide... there are two branches of psychology.. 1.pure psychology and 2.applies psychology! *pure psychology: this part of psychology is intrested in the progress of psychological...
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...Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes. Psychology is really a very new science, with most advances happening over the past 150 years or so. However, it's origins can be traced back to ancient Greece, 400 – 500 years BC. The emphasis was a philosophical one, with great thinkers such as Socrates influencing Plato, who in turn influenced Aristotle. Philosophers used to discuss many topics now studied by modern psychology, such as memory, free will, attraction etc. In the early days of psychology there were two dominant theoretical perspectives. An American psychologist named William James (1842-1910) developed an approach which came to be known as functionalism. He argued that the mind is constantly changing and it is pointless to look for the building blocks of experience. Instead, focus should be on how and why an organism does something. It was suggested that psychologists should look for the underlying cause of behavior and the mental the processes involved. This emphasis on the causes and consequences of behavior has influenced contemporary psychology. Structuralism was the name given to the approach pioneered by Wilhelm Wundt. The term originated from Edward Titchener, an American psychologist who had been trained by Wundt. Structuralism relied on trained introspection...
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...Many people wonder what psychology really is. Is it a philosophy or just another branch of science that has been studied for many years? Psychology is the study of an organism’s mind and its function. People who study psychology are known as psychologists. Psychologists are thought as specialists who work with mentally ill patients who try to up- lift their self- esteem and encourage them to have a positive outlook on life. In reality, psychologists not only care for mental patients but also test and collect data based on performed experiments. The results and data of these experiments are then used to form psychological theories, which explain the individuals’ thoughts, emotions and behavior, and how they were provoked. Therefore, psychologists are able to help their patients in a psychological manner using theories and philosophies in relation to their problems. Based on research, psychology is centered on observations and theories about the different physical and mental responses of an organism. Science, in comparison, is a concept in which various observations are made from research and experiments done throughout centuries. These observations are then recorded into scientific history, which make up the study of different traits and unique characteristics in living things. The main goal of science is to create reasonable theories to describe the realities of life. Scientists create theories that have been factually proven, and thus, are reliable. According to science,...
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...Industrial/Organizational Psychology Paper PSY/435 December 12, 2011 Neva Wilson Industrial/Organizational Psychology Paper Evolution of Industrial/Organizational Psychology The history of industrial/organization psychology originated in the twentieth century. Experimental psychologists were the first to engage in I/O work. Their main purpose was applying the new principles of psychology to problems in organizations. Two of these experimental psychologists were Hugo Munsterberg and Walter Dill Scott. These two psychologists would be credited as being the main founds of I/O Psychology. Both of these experimental psychologists were university professors who became involved in applying psychology to problems of organizations. An engineer by the name of Frederick Winslow Taylor would have a major influence on the I/O field. Taylor studied employee productivity and developed an approach which he would later call "Scientific Management." Taylor used scientific management to handle production workers in factories. This approach included four principles which would guide organizational practices. Today, his same ideas are still used. Furthermore, two more individuals had an influence on the engineering side combined with psychology. A married couple, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, studied how individuals perform tasks by combining engineering and psychology. The Gilbreths devised the time and motion study. This incorporated measuring and timing people’s motions in doing tasks...
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...What is Organization Psychology? Anissa Michaud PSYCH/570 November 07, 2014 Michelle Seyfarth What is Organization Psychology? A growing psychology for industries seeking a scientific approach to his or her business, will outreach for organizational psychologists. Organizational psychology refers to a person or group of behaviors as a whole among particular organizational settings (Jex & Britt, 2008). Jex & Britt (2008) discuss patterns of behavior are influences from a structured environment such as a person employment. How organizational psychology works by scientific studies with collection of data. The data can come from individual behavior or systematic levels of grouping common behaviors (Jex & Britt, 2008). Some types of organizations have a formal or informal organization. A continuity among employees is a setting of forma organizations and an informal organization is less explicit about the purpose (Jex & Britt). This paper will breakdown all the information pertaining to organizational psychology. This includes the evolution, a couple of disciplines with association to organizational psychology, and roles for the research/ data collection. Evolution Industrial organization psychology begins in the 20th century. Topics of investigation for this scientific study were skill acquisition and personnel selection (Jex & Britt, 2008). This advancement gave industries a platform to formulating better hiring of employees through simple questionnaires...
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...What is Social Psychology? Psychology has many divisions including abnormal, cognitive, developmental, comparative, educational, experimental, and a multitude of others. It is a diverse and complex field of study, with each branch focusing on its own perspective of human thought and behavior. Social psychology spotlights human behavior as it relates to social interactions, influences, and relationships. It seeks to understand why people in society behave the way they do with each other and to determine the cause of societal conformities, beliefs, and trends. The following paper provides an overview of social psychology; its definition, how it differs from other branches, and the role of research in the discipline. Social Psychology Defined Social psychology is defined as "the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to each other" (Myers, 2010). The main concepts studied within the field of social psychology include social thinking, influence, and relations. Social thinking encompasses how people perceive themselves and others, their attitudes, beliefs, and judgments. Social influences encompasses how culture, social situations, groups of people, and the accompanying temperaments manipulates behavior. Finally, social relations refers to how relationships (attraction, intimacy, family), feelings toward others (prejudice, hostility, kindness), and biology relate to behavior (Myers, 2010). Social Psychology Differs From Other Disciplines ...
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...What Is Environmental Psychology Environmental psychology is a discipline or field of psychology dealing with conservation and health psychologies. There are many theoretical approaches to environmental psychology. Several of these theories also tie into individual psychology as well. Two of the theories that connect both these psychologies are the alderian theory and Barker’s theory of under population. Research is very important to both the theories and environmental psychology as a field. Research and the lack of visible results was one of the reasons this field was born from the conservationist field of psychology. Environmental Psychology Environmental psychology examines the interrelationship between environments and human behavior and in this field the term environment is defined very broadly to include all that is natural on the planet as well as social settings, built environments, learning environments and informational environments (Young, 1999). From the beginning, environmental psychology has included researchers concerned with the health of the environment, and a great deal of research relevant to conservation psychology has been done by environmental psychologists (Clayton & Myers, 2009). Environmental psychologies roots come from late 1960s studies and research of other fields, although its exact origin is somewhat unknown (Clayton & Myers, 2009). There are many theories about this particular field of study – environmental psychology. Theories...
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...What is Organizational Psychology? In this paper, the discussion will pertain to Organizational Psychology. A definition will be obtained and explained. This paper will also discuss the evolution of the field of Organizational Psychology. There will also be an analysis of the role of research and statistics. The application of organizational psychology principles to recruitment socialization will also be explained. Organizational Psychology Defined Organizational psychology is a theme that employs scientific methodology to get a better understanding in the behavior of individuals in an organizational setting. This has been applied in different ways in order to help organizations to function effectively. Such as being productive, provide higher-quality services. In the private organizations success can result in increased shareholder wealth and job securities for employees and for the public organizations means high quality services and cost savings to taxpayers. Organizational psychology can help in determining prior to hiring and promotion that an employee will perform his or her job effectively. According to Latham, performance is concerned with two issues. The first issue is the criterion development in which this can help in identifying the invention of the individual employee. They are used not only to authenticate the individual’s techniques, they are used to determine whether the employee should be advanced, reduce in importance, reassigned, given a bonus or salary...
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...Biological Psychology Worksheet Liz Rodriguez PSY 400 March 22, 2012 Dr. Iris Thomas Biological Psychology Worksheet 1. What is biological psychology? It is the study of the biology of behavior. It is the study of what role biology plays in behavior, and the links between the brain and the body. How the brain functions and how the body reacts or how it behaves to the activity of the brain. Biopsychology has also been called the mind-body connection. 2. What is the historical development of biological psychology? The historical development of biopsychology is traced as far back as the ancient Greek era. It became the Roman church who dictated much of the human behavior according to their religious beliefs. After the Dark Ages subsided a new way of thinking was born and this period is called the Renaissance era. With this era came new ways of studying things, ways to see things by observing them and this was how modern science was founded. 3. Name one of the three important theorists associated with biological psychology. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) was a French philosopher but also the one the first to conclude that the Universe was made up of two elements. One of which was the physical matter or the human body, and the other was the soul, spirit, self, or the human mind. 4. Describe the relationship between biological psychology and other fields in psychology and neuroscience. Whether it is the study of biopsychology and other fields of psychology...
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