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Emergency Responders Research Paper

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Define and give examples of what terrorism is and the associated risks involved for emergency responders

Terrorism is the use of violence in order to create fear, to advance their cause. “The more frightened we are, the more successful will terrorists judge their attacks” (Newman, G.,
Clarke, R., 2008, p. 18) Terrorists search for certain characteristics when deciding on where to attack, such as be famous, important, accessible, or large immigrant population to blend in (Newman, G., Clarke, R., 2008). Examples of where these characteristics were present on U.S. soil was the 9/11 attacks and the Boston Marathon attack.

Emergency Responders face a variety of risks when they respond to a terrorist event. Some of these risks are more commonly known, such as the physical risk and psychological risk. The physical risks come from the different types of attacks, and psychological risk come from the terrible things the first responders see during these events. The other lesser known risks faced by first responders are their lack of knowledge of the situation, being taken by surprise by the event, and poor information amongst first responders. The lesser known risks come from a flaws in the training of first responders, as well as the truth that any …show more content…
The worst outcomes result in the loss of life, property damage, economic damage, infrastructure damage, creates a climate of fear, and possibly are war. Terrorist attacks such as the 9/11 attacks have all these terrible outcomes. A total of 2,977 people were killed in the attack, estimated economic loss of 123 billion dollars during the first 2 weeks after the attack, 60 billion dollars in damage to New York City’s infrastructure, and changed 22 government agencies into one under the Department of Homeland Security (CNN, 2016). This type of outcome is a worst case scenario for terrorist

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