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Honor Band Narrative

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The Excursion and Endeavor of UNI Honor Band I received the privilege of traveling to Cedar Falls for an honor band three years in a row. The number of words I could use to describe the convention is insurmountable, but If I were forced to use one word or phrase, I would willingly shout “awe-inspiring”! Even though the main point of journeying to the honor band was to produce musical masterpieces with other reputable high school students, lounging and socializing also played a part in participating. Overall, thirty-minute performances of various ensembles, a aesthetically flawless recital hall, and a collegiate level concert highlight the excursion to Cedar Falls. This year’s honor band commenced with an uneventful suburban ride to the University of Northern Iowa. Drake, a fellow percussionist, and I were dropped off in the grand Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. The spacious inside of the building created an echo for every pitch emitted. Inside, Drake and I needed to wait for ninety minutes for any action to start, however, since we arrived a bit too punctually. Time felt as though it were crawling, so the two of us …show more content…
In fact, we witnessed the production of numerous ensembles. The flute ensemble consisted of flutes that appeared unwieldy and improbable to play (such as the contrabass flute, which was shaped like a backwards number four and towered over the performer), but let us imagine that we were in an enchanted forest. The tuba ensemble was composed of stocky men who emitted dainty sounds out of their perplex tubas. My favorite ensemble performance was the percussion’s show, but not only because I am a percussionist. The extravagant motions and grooving rhythms mesmerized everyone in the crowd. The difficulty of their pieces left me in astonishment. However, these miniature exhibitions only left us a taste of what to expect for the UNI Symphony

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