...against an 18 year old boy for the first degree murder of his father. Their task is to come to an impartial verdict, based on the testimony which was heard in court. The group went through the common stages of group development as presented in the text; forming, storming, norming, and performing (Robbins, & Judge, 2010) while personal prejudices, personality differences, and tension mounted as the process evolved. After a first vote, juror 8 is the only individual who would like to explore if there is a reasonable doubt in this case. The remainder of the jurors have expressed indifference and have conformed to the group belief that the boy is guilty without further discussion. They are irritable secondary to the environmental conditions, and they are eager to return to their personal responsibilities. In spite of the aggressive atmosphere caused by Juror 8’s decision he uses reason to try to delve deeper into the case and testimony. His use of reason forces the rest of the group, who have fallen victim to groupthink, to investigate other facts and points of view that were not presented in the courtroom. He has a sympathetic personality, and uses another method of appealing to higher values within the group to attempt to influence the members. The use of higher values and reason allows for more open discussion amongst the group and for the discovery of the personal biases and how the personal experiences of each juror has lead them to quickly decide on the boys guilt. Juror...
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...Personality and ability have major implications for how people feel, think and behave in organizations. Based on your review of Chapter 4 and on individual personality differences – present your views on this quote “Organizations should or should not select or hire prospective employees on the basis of their personality traits” In a general sense, I completely agree with this statement. People are hired on credentials such as experience or education, so this is merely another criteria albeit an important one. It is always a good idea to hire people who will mesh well with the organizations values and beliefs. The values and beliefs are typically what will dictate the environment and thus culture of an organization. Take Google for example. Google’s unorthodox culture of having fun and being innovative probably wouldn’t mesh well with someone that has a high external locus of control as they prefer structured, directed work environments as explained by Daft & Lane (2011). However, I also feel that the level or degree of desirable traits versus undesirable and the extent of value placed in them should play a role in evaluating candidates. This is especially true in leadership roles. Daft & Lane (2011) conclude that a person with a high level of authoritarianism would not work well with a team with an equally high level of dogmatism which would typically result in lower productivity and morale. However, if both sides have a lower to moderate level of those two characteristics...
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...Case Description This is the experience I met, and the following names are fictitious. When I was in one business class last year, there was a group project and was counted thirty percent in total grades. For the group project, each group needed to hand in one essay which contained introduction, content, summary, and gave a fifteen minutes long presentation in front of the class. I signed group number four which my presentation was four weeks after, so I could have enough time to prepare. The group project was five people in a group, and I was in a totally new group that we did not know each other in the group. Our group was very diverse, there were two from Asia (included me), one from Africa, another one from Europe, and the last one is from Canada. I was very excited about the group diversity because we can have many ideas for the project. We gave our contact E-mail to John, who is from Canada. He was willing to be the contact person in this group. This group seemed to be very productive at the beginning, because we had assigned all the work to everyone in the group and set the time for next meeting. In fact, the other person from Asia, Allen, he organized how we can do in this project. We all discussed which part in the project we were interested in, so everyone can do their own preference. We aimed our goal to get above eighty percent in this project, which was a huge challenge for us. And, the professor in this class expected higher quality of performance from students...
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...Individual Differences Individual differences Approach FACT: No two individuals are born the same. This Approach aims to assess the differences that exist between people. WHY? Individual differences Approach Understand People - Classify People - Individual differences Approach Personality Intelligence Values and Beliefs Individual differences Approach Personality Definition Defined as an individual differences in feeling, mood, attitude, thinking, and behaving FACT: Personality forms generalized pattern Explaining Personality Trait Perspective of Personality Biological Perspective of Personality Cognitive Perspective of Personality Trait Perspective of Personality Personality is a set of traits Thinking, Behaviour or Feeling enduring over time (don’t change Quickly) Funny adventurous Talkative Introvert Extrovert Trait Perspective of Personality Enduring over time Disposition (Acting in a particular way in certain situation) Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3 Trait 4 Trait 5 Personality Generalized pattern Trait Perspective of Personality FACT: All people have same traits but with different degree -FACT: There Are 3 Types of Trait Cardinal Trait Secondary Trait Central Trait Trait Perspective of Personality Trait Types Cardinal Trait Dominant Trait Secondary Trait Trait Exhibited in a certain Situation Central Trait Characterize an individual’s daily interaction Trait...
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...Individual Differences That people differ from each other is obvious. How and why they differ is less clear and is the subject of the study of Individual differences (IDs). Although to study individual differences seems to be to study variance, how are people different, it is also to study central tendency, how well can a person be described in terms of an overall within-person average. Indeed, perhaps the most important question of individual differences is whether people are more similar to themselves over time and across situations than they are to others, and whether the variation within a single person across time and situation is less than the variation between people. A related question is that of similarity, for people differ in their similarities to each other. Questions of whether particular groups (e.g., groupings by sex, culture, age, or ethnicity) are more similar within than between groups are also questions of individual differences. Personality psychology addresses the questions of shared human nature, dimensions of individual differences and unique patterns of individuals. Research in IDs ranges from analyses of genetic codes to the study of sexual, social, ethnic, and cultural differences and includes research on cognitive abilities, interpersonal styles, and emotional reactivity. Methods range from laboratory experiments to longitudinal field studies and include data reduction techniques such as Factor Analysis and Principal Components Analysis, as well as...
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...Running Head: PERSONALITY TRAITS Personality Traits Big 5 Traits Following are big 5 traits of personality: Extraversion: Extraversion score is low then the personality of individual is reserved, aloof and retiring. If this score is high, the individuals are fun loving, sociable and talkative. So, if people are high in this score, it might help to win the confidence of customers for business deals that is good for their performance scores during performance appraisals. Neuroticism: If the score is low of this trait, the individuals are self satisfied, secure and calm. If this score is high, the individuals are insecure, nervous and worrying. For example, people with low score might help the individuals to attain the career goals effectively. Agreeableness: If the score of this trait is low, the individuals are uncooperative, ruthless and suspicious. If the score is high, the individuals are helpful, trusting and soft hearted. People with high score of agreeableness might attain cooperation of their subordinates in achieving performance goals due to their goodwill in the organization (Ewen, 1998). Conscientiousness: Individuals with low score of this trait are unreliable, careless and lazy. In contrast, individuals with high score are reliable, hard working and organized. So, high score individuals might help them to improve their performance through their hard work. For example, an individual with high score can complete...
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...Theories of Personalities | Conscious | Unconscious | Biological | Social Influences | Similarities | Uniqueness | Freud: Psychoanalysis | Even though we are aware of our daily actions, we are still motivated with the actions of our unconscious and still be guided with the dream analysis. | He believed that everything from slips of the tongue to religious experiences is the result of a deep-rooted desire to satisfy sexual or aggressive desire and drives. | As Physician, he viewed the human personality from the heredity concept as he trained medical outputs. He believed that infantile fantasies and anxieties are also rooted in biology. | Even if he frequently speculated about the consequences of prehistoric social units of life and about the consequences of an individual’s early social experience. | Humanity’s evolutionary past gives to a great many similarities among people and individual. | Individual experiences also, especially those of early childhood, shaped people in a somewhat unique manner and account for many of the differences among personalities. | Adler: Individual Psychology | Adler explains that those thoughts are understood and regarded by the individual as helpful in striving for success. | He explained that it is a part of the goal in which is neither clearly formulated nor completely understood by the individual and he added that unconscious thoughts are those that are not helpful. | He regarded Self-centeredness with biological aspects as pathological health...
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...Personality and Individual Differences 43 (2007) 2105–2115 www.elsevier.com/locate/paid Narcissism, vanity, personality and mating effort Vincent Egan *, Cara McCorkindale Department of Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow G4 0BA, Scotland, United Kingdom Received 10 November 2006; received in revised form 19 June 2007; accepted 27 June 2007 Available online 15 August 2007 Abstract The current study examined the relationship between narcissism and vanity, and the degree these are predicted by the ‘Big Five’ personality traits and mating effort (ME) using a sample of 103 females recruited from a large beauty salon. Narcissism correlated with vanity at 0.72 (P < 0.001), and was associated positively with extraversion (E), ME and the subscales of vanity; narcissism was associated negatively with neuroticism (N) and agreeableness (A). Vanity correlated positively with E, conscientiousness, both subscales of narcissism, and ME, and negatively with N and A. A composite narcissism–vanity score was produced using principal components analysis, and used along with scores from the NEO-FFI-R to predict mating effort. The narcissism–vanity composite, low A and E significantly and independently predicted mating effort (adjusted R2 = 0.28, F(9.96) = 7.74, P < 0.001). These results show that mating effort is additionally predicted by narcissism as well as self-reported personality. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Narcissism; Personality;...
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...2.2. Individual Differences (IDs): It is clear that people reply in a different way to the same situations. They use different approaches towards communicating with others and solving the problems they encounter. Individuals also behave differently in learning contexts; As stated by Brown (2000), each of them practices a special type of learning style. For example, some individuals learn better with pictures and illustrations, some learn better with repetition and some others get better results through participation. Dörnyei (2005) defines individual differences (IDs) as: "characteristics or traits in respect of which individuals may be shown to differ from each other."(p.1). As a matter of fact, individual learner differences are the distinct...
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...Introduction: Individuals bring a number of differences to work, such as unique personalities, values, emotions, and moods. When new employees enter new organizations, their stable or transient characteristics affect how they behave and perform. Moreover, companies hire people with a degree of expectation that those individuals have certain skills, abilities, personalities, and values. Therefore, it is important to understand individual characteristics that matter for organizations. Individual differences - are those differences among humans that distinguish or separate them from one another and make one as a single unique individual. Research in IDs ranges from analyses of genetic codes to the study of sexual, social, ethnic, and cultural differences and includes research on cognitive abilities, interpersonal styles, and emotional reactivity. Personality: Personality is the unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, and emotions shown by individuals. Do describe the personality of a person; researchers agreed that there are 5 main traits (The Big Five) that make up the personality of an individual. Personality is a potentially important predictor of work behavior. Matching people to jobs matters, because when people do not fit with their jobs or the company, they are more likely to leave, costing companies as much as a person’s annual salary to replace them. In job interviews, companies try to assess a candidate’s personality and the potential for...
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...in: Oxford Companion to the Affective Sciences Oxford University Press Personality and Emotion William Revelle Department of Psychology Northwestern University Klaus R. Scherer Swiss Center for Affective Sciences University of Geneva Personality is the coherent patterning of affect, behavior, cognition, and desires (goals) over time and space. Just as a full blown emotion represents an integration of feeling, action, appraisal and wants at a particular time and location so does personality represent integration over time and space of these components (Ortony et al., 2005). A helpful analogy is to consider that personality is to emotion as climate is to weather. That is, what one expects is personality, what one observes at any particular moment is emotion. To understand the personality-affect link it is necessary to consider the ways in which personality may be described. Since Theophrastus’ discussion of characters and Galen’s theory of temperament (Stelmack & Stalikas, 1991), dimensional models of individual differences in personality have consistently identified three (the Giant Three, e.g., Eysenck & Eysenck (1985)) to five (the Big Five, e.g., Digman (1990)) broad dimensions of personality. Two of these dimensions, in particular, Extraversion (E) and Neuroticism (N, sometimes referred to by the other end of the dimension as Emotional Stability) have been associated with individual differences in affective level and environmental responsivity (Corr, 2008; Revelle,...
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...logic) and contributed to ones social order in society. (blog. tiptaplab.com). Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that governs the personality and its variations between individuals. The areas of focus include; construction of a coherent picture of the individual and their major psychological processes, investigation of individual psychological differences, investigation of human nature and psychological similarities between individuals. Personality also refers to someone’s public image (blog. tiptaplab.com). The word personality is a Latin word personae, which is the mask actors wore in ancient Greek plays. They changed personae to let audience know they were assuming different roles (www.reading fanatic.com). Key contributors of Personality There are several contributors to school of personality psychology who explore personality in different contexts. They include Gordon Alport, who believed personality is something within an individual that leads to characteristics of behaviour and thought. Carl Rogers on the other hand thought it is a self organized consistent pattern of perception of the I, me, that lies at the heart of an individual’s experience. B.F. Skinner was of the opinion that the word personality is not needed to understand human behaviour (Caprara & Cevone, 2000). The unconscious mind is one of the most notable contributions to the field of personality according to Sigmund Freud. His defence mechanism explanation is widely accepted...
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...understandings. Radical constructivism views the person as a closed system, one in which a person’s internal psychological structure determines experiential reality. One’s structure is only sensitive to specific kinds of stimulation from the external world. People do not experience the world as it is, but rather experience it only in the ways their internal structure allows. On the other hand, social constructionism deemphasizes individual knowledge construction and instead stresses that human understandings spring from ongoing relationships. Through discussion and interaction with each other, people negotiate and reach consensus about what is real and true. Discourses, defined as ways of talking about reality, shape human experience. As people use discourses in novel ways over time, shared constructions of reality evolve. Whether individually or socially focused, constructivist theories stress human involvement in knowledge construction, maintaining that people can only know the world indirectly via their constructions. SEE ALSO Constructivism; Personality; Psychoanalytic Theory;...
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...Introduction to Personality What is it that makes us who we are? We are all of the same species, similar in so many ways, yet different in our thought patterns, behaviors, and personality. Are we born with genetic predeterminations that make our personality what it is, or do environmental and social interactions help to shape and develop us from infancy through adulthood? There is not one determining factor that shapes personality; rather it is genetic, environmental, social, and cultural. There has been and continues to be much research on the psychology of personality. There are many theories that point to the cause of personality development. Personality is classified as a documented set of traits and characteristics an individual has that influence such things as behavior, emotions, cognitive processes, and self-motivation. Personality can also interlace with a person’s thought patterns, feelings, morals, values, and attitude towards certain things. However, there is not one sole definition of personality in the field of psychology. The psychological study of personality has a long history that includes a wide variety of different theories, methods of origin, continued development, and analysis. The psychological study of human personality is based on the principle that all human beings are in some ways similar, yet possess many differences as well. Personality based theories aim to understand what it is that makes us; similar as well as different. Over...
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...study that analyzing the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organizations, for the purpose of applying knowledge to improve an organization’s effectiveness (Robbins & Judge, 2013). According to the early research, to improve the effectiveness of the organization, stuffing may be one of the concern, and this leads to the discussion of organization member behaviour (Rue & Byars, 2009). As recent research pointed out that organization member behaviour can be affect by many factors, yet values have long been considered important to explain action in and around organization (Schwartz,1992; Potocan & Nedelko, 2011). In this essay mainly focus on how personal value as a vital diver of working and behaviour. Different person may have different value that leads different thought, attitude and behaviour, whereas understand how value drive a personal behaviour is not only important for a manager but affect the organizational behaviour as well (Collins & Porras, 2002). Therefore, the discussion will emphasize how personal values adjust into a group or an organization; and how personal values influence the organization behaviour. Besides, the discussion will go through the influence of personality to give further discussion on how an individual fit into an organization. The Hofstede’s Cultural Framework and The Big Five Personality Model will be used to explain how value and personality drive individual behaviour. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 Values...
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