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Perspective About Reward And Reflection

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Describe your perspective about feedback and/or feedforward. and Reflection
The value of feedback and feedforward is to give guidance to students not being judgement, but to require them to think and take steps develop strategies to direct them in how to achieve their learning goals. Instructors need not to be judgement, or provide advice or give steps to help students take control of doing this own their own. (Higher Education Academy, 2012) provides a “Feedback Toolkit: 10 Strategies to engage students’ and to assist instructors in improving their feedback. It matters when providing feedback or feedforward, for example, feedback used the right away within 24 to 48 hours while the assignment is still fresh in the mines of the student. …show more content…
First, incident, the lead faculty and course faculty members recommends the penalty for the first incident which the sanction of charges can range from zero, depending on the severity of the students’ actions. The student may also be required to complete a workshop on correct citation & referencing conduct by the Student Learning Center.
2. Another incident of academic dishonesty in the same class the student receives a failing grade or a combination with the first charge. The incident is recorded in the student’s in the record as a single incident.
3. Second and final violation of an Academic Integrity Policy in any other class will result in the student failing the class along with disciplinary dismissal from Franklin University. The primary Judicial Officer will then notify the University Registrar to enter the notation “Dismissed for Academic Dishonest” in the student’s academic record.
The student can request to go through the Appeal Process if he or she desires to …show more content…
(Perna, 2010). Rather instructors agree with this or not in regards of quality feedback to students, (Brook, & Preskill, 1999) challenge instructors to ask themselves the question, “how do we know if students are attaining or learning the content.” He goes on to suggest that instructors reevaluate how they use technology in online and to motivate students to engage them with questions that requires critical thinking skills. Instructors can make sure they ask the right questions by using a method called “Cube” that prompts insight and challenge students to think about feedback and questions instructors ask. Cubing is a brainstorming method, you start with one topic, challenge or issue. Then, you apply six points of view (like the six sides of a cube) to the issue, that include for consideration; describe it, associate it, analyze it, apply it and argue for or against it all will guide students to think about their answers. This in perspective let instructors know how well the students retain learning though their answers (Cowan & Cowan (1990). At (Higher Education Academy, 2012) website provides a value added methods, “a Toolkit: 10 strategies to engage students in the learning process. The website also suggests ways for instructor to; enhance

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