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Persuasive Essay On Animals Research Paper

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Dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, snakes, lizards, oh, my! All of these animals are in some way domesticated, because if they weren't, they wouldn't live in our houses.

Don't ask me about the people who get caught with tigers as pets, because I don't get that particular desire. Seriously, why would you want a four-hundred pound cat capable of serious damage with little effort living with you?

All of those animals listed above, as well as those that aren't listed but are still common household pets, are conscious creatures. I won't debate emotional abilities or animal intelligence with you, but most people will agree that emotions or not, these animals have some sort of mental state that allows them to act based on things that happen in their …show more content…
Temple Grandin, author of many different books on animals, calls these continuous, unchanging behaviors stereotypies.

Stereotypies develop when an animal doesn't have enough stimulation in their environment to keep them occupied, and they channel the energy they have left over into these repetitive behaviors. Stereotypies are a big sign that something is off in the animal's environment.

The key to successfully having any animal in a home and seeing properly to their well-fare is to look at their counterparts in the wild, or to simply look at what animals do in their natural environment.

Consider a cage. It's small, sometimes smelly, and it never changes. Basically, cages are really, really boring, and there's no place to go. Wouldn't you go crazy if you lived in one? Especially if you never left it.

Consider a dog. The dog never gets out of his yard or his house. He's stuck inside or in a fenced area all day every day, and while there's a little variation, there's only so long you can sniff a tree before you're done with it. How boring is

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