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Stereotypes: A Summary And Analysis

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My first image of an Arab was from the film Aladdin. Moreover, beyond that I remember comic comments towards them in movies and shows. I found your comment on the importance of knowing where stereotypes originated and how they affect oppressed groups, including your excellent example a stereotype of Arab generates bigotry, intriguing. Your example of Fox Children Network’s Batman illustrates Arab being depicted in a bad light. This speaks to the power of visuals. I do not believe people recognize how efficacious they are. The visuals about Arab American tells a story and even help depict our emotions toward them. The tactic of colors helps convey ideas of good and bad. Just like your example, the bad guys had a dark complexion. The villain, the tough guy, the enemy often has a darker skin; this is common especially in cartoons. …show more content…
She provides the argument that normalization, naturalization, and infantilization of enemies were much used to stereotype people. A few years back, I watched an interview with Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, a psychiatrist discussed a theory about black men and the effect of infantilization. She claims that black men have been made to think of themselves as a child. This did not occur as a surprise to me because black men are often referred to has a boy and son by superior groups. Are you familiar with the film Baby Boy? Well, her argument was applied to the movie. The film supports her statement with the following quote in the beginning: “First, what does a black man call his woman? Momma. Second, what does a black man call his closest acquaintances? His boys. And finally, what does a black man call his place of residence? The crib (Singleton,

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