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Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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Every two minutes, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2010). Unfortunately, we were at the wrong place at the wrong time because we become one of those statistics. What started off as a couple of teenagers having fun, clubbing, dancing. Doing things we weren’t supposed to do (drinking). Well, my friend Kimberly and I weren’t drinking because one we were the designated drivers; two Kimberly was pregnant. I know you’re wondering then why are you clubbing? Well, to answer that no one knew about her unplanned pregnancy and we didn’t want to tell anyone until after she graduated. So, just to make sure no one catches on to what we had planned we told everyone that she wasn’t drinking because I didn’t want to be the only sober one and have to take care of drunk people. Everyone bought it …show more content…
My friend Kimberly was worried about her baby and was wondering if the baby was okay because she had the seat belt on and when the car hit us the belt tightened and the belt was around her belly. The ambulance got there and they looked at all of us and made sure we were all okay. The asked if we wanted them to drive us to the hospital to get further checked out. Everyone said no because we knew how expensive the bill was. We just called up my mom and had her pick us up and take us to the hospital. They examined each of us and we were all fine just a few bruises and small cuts. Kimberly and I then asked the doctor in private if he could check on her baby. So, he took us into a sonogram room and checked on her baby and he gave us good news that the baby is perfectly fine and he then said she was only four weeks pregnant. He just said to take it easy and that we all will be a little sore because of the impact. All-in-all everyone was fine and the girl that hit us went to jail. Everyone else went on with their lives and we haven’t heard anything from that day since

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