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Pet Moving

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Moving with pets
Moving is a big decision and it can be stressful for the entire family, including the family pet. Each pet is unique and will react to this situation in their own way - some with little impact, others somewhat traumatized. One thing is certain and that is taking precautions with relocating a pet minimizes stress for everyone and lowers the risk of injury. We are going to address primarily dogs and cats – and suggest you explore additional articles depending on the type of pet you have.
Never move your pet in the same truck or van with furniture. This can be very stressful for the animal and a couple of bumps on the road can have catastrophic consequences.
Depending on how far you are moving and what means of transportation you will be using; there are different things you can do to keep your beloved pet safe and comfortable. If your pet has a chronic medical condition, you should visit your veterinarian before you move to get a consult and necessary meds. This is also a good time to get any required vaccinations.
In addition, if you are going for a long drive, if you are using new and unfamiliar means of transportation, and especially if you are flying, you should consult your veterinarian about using sedatives for your pet. Other than health concerns during the trip, make sure you bring some of your pet’s …show more content…
For shorter trips and especially if you know your pet gets car sick, avoid giving food as it will probably cause the animal to vomit. If you are traveling by land, make sure you take breaks so both you and the animal can stretch your legs and take care of business. If you have to make stops overnight, make sure the places you’ll be staying at are pet-friendly. Groom the animal a few days or a week before your move so it doesn’t smell or shed a lot and so it doesn’t get your car

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