Premium Essay

Pokemon's Journey-Personal Narrative

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Words 473
Pages 2

My father smiled, “Alright kiddo, now get outta here, before I decide to keep ya.”

“You got it!” I saluted him with two fingers and headed out the door. I grabbed my scooter and immediately started down the road. First, the plan was to get to Jubilife, which really isn't far from here. From there, I'll take a plane to Kanto to start my Pokemon journey.

Normally, one would start in their own region, but however, the beginning trainer day at professor Rowans had already been done and over with for the month and I just wasn't well at the time. So, my next best bet was to head to Kanto and choose my pokemon there. I also heard that the Indigo League was being held again, so my plan is to enter it and get some good experience for when I come back home and take on the Sinnoh League, and maybe the Grand festival too. Don't know if they have a grand festival in Kanto this year though. Not everything is thrown at the same time. …show more content…
After thinking about it for a while since I chose to head to Kanto, I've decided to go for Charmander. It's a fire-type, and I've always admired the beauty of fire. The way it dances, the way it changes color depending on what it burns. People say how fire is dangerous, but Fire is also a lifesaver. It brings warmth and life, just like water and nature.

You know, I've actually always thought that the reason that fire, water, and grass -type pokemon are starters not because they are the main elements of the world, but for some other reason. Seriously, rock or ground is a main element too. It wouldn't be because of the perfect rock, paper, scissors representation either. I mean, you can replace water with rock and the circle would still be perfect. Rock beats fire, fire beats grass, and grass beats

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