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4 Paws For Ability Study

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4 Paws for ability is a nonprofit, 501 © (3) organization that strives to place quality service dogs and further educate the public about the use of service dogs in public places worldwide. You can help make dreams come true through financial donations and sponsorships to aid in training, medical care, food, training equipment and the construction of the state of the art training facility, dog kennels and breeding facilities.

The story behind the creation of 4 Paws for Ability is heartfelt yet driven by personal experience! In 1987, Karen Shirk was a full-time college student. Her studies consisted of social work while she was working full-time with the mentally handicapped. During this time, Karen was suffering respiratory issues and symptoms …show more content…
The puppies are suited up as service dogs in training and go everywhere the student goes. The canine trainees attend classes, go shopping, sports events, etc. The dogs are basically shadows to their handlers. The following campus’ support and accept Puppy Raisers; Kent State University, Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, Oxford-Miami University, University of Dayton, University of Kentucky, Wittenberg University, and Wright State University. Karen has increased the area of need from Autism Assistance Dogs to Diabetic Alert, fetal alcohol/drug exposure, Mobility Assistance, Multipurpose Assistance, Veterans Assistance and Seizure Assistance dogs. To date, Karen has matched over 750 dogs with their disabled companions. However, every dog trained does not make the grade. One-third of the dogs succeed and graduate as service companions. Her goal is to help as many families as possible is a never-ending feat and she continues to touch people all over the world.

Autism Assistance Dogs are used to help children and adults on the Autism Spectrum. The dogs aid the handler in social settings. This is a very stressful situation for someone with Autism. They act as an icebreaker and add comfort during these stressful situations. They can also interrupt repetitive behaviors and can also be trained to track the autistic child that likes to run and hide …show more content…
They are trained to alert their handler by touching them or pulling at their clothes when specific sounds are heard, then lead them to that sound. They can alert their handler to fire alarms, doorbells, crying babies, etc. They act as security for the hearing impaired to be alone without fear.

Mobility Assistance Dogs are becoming a more popular needed service dog. They help their humans by bringing objects to them, pressing buttons for them, serving as a brace to support their body or even by pulling their wheelchair up a ramp. These dogs are usually used for people with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, muscular dystrophy, and arthritis. These dogs give their human partners the ability to gain some independence and confidence to be able to be on their own.

Multipurpose Assistance Dogs are for the individual families that do not specifically fall into a certain category. This type of dog can be used for an individual or multiple family members that suffer with different issues. As more and more births result in prematurity, a variety of syndromes and disorders are a result. This type of service dog can be tailored to a specific disability in hopes of a giving a specific result. This is cutting edge tailoring in the service dog

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