...Knowing your Audience: Close your eyes Doug McGill BCOM/275 August 19, 2012 Eric Graves Close your eyes imagine that you are trapped in complete darkness with little to no room surrounded by 32 other men, the fear of no escape from a room smaller than the size of an average classroom, and you are half a mile underground with no way out. Unless, someone experienced this nightmare firsthand this would be difficult for anyone to imagine. This was the terrifying and exhausting reality for 33 Chilean gold miners August 5, 2010 through October 9, 2010. There are two difficult types of communication that the San Esteban Company faced. The Company had to address the families of the trapped miner’s and the rest of world. The considerations of roles the Company played when addressing the two different audiences will be discussed. And what actions were taken before and after the message was delivered to ensure that the messages were received as they were intended for each audience. Addressing the Audience Everyone experiences fear in their own way, but the thought of being trapped half a mile underground, 2600 feet, almost 900 meters is a terrifying thought for anyone. The miner’s from the San Esteban Mining Company lived through the fear of claustrophobia for 70 days in almost complete darkness. It took 17 days before the miners were discovered to be trapped and still alive. The miners made two days of food and water last 17 days. The miners were discovered through constant...
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...employees are different from the needs of the family. Prior to the providing a statement or briefing, It is vital to address each of these groups in a specific way. Before meeting with the families and employees, one must have the latest facts available and provide specific information on exactly what actions will be taken to rescue the trapped men. It is imperative to provide timelines during the rescue and report on the condition of the miners. Any communication between the miners and rescuers must also be provided. Finally, it is important to have a plan of action available regarding what will happen each day of the rescue mission. When commutating with family members about the collapse, the best method of approach for an accident like this is a face-to-face meeting. Provide transportation to a centrally located briefing facility and ensure they are cared for during the rescue attempts. Provide grief counselors and updated progress reports during every step of the rescue mission. Food and accommodations must be made available for those who choose to stay at the mine site. It is crucial for the company to reassure the families that everything that can be done to rescue the men will be done. For employees, conduct a briefing at the location of the mine and provide a progress report. Offer grief counselors and reassure that the company will do everything it can to investigate why this accident happened and to take every measure to ensure it does not happen again. Reassure them that the...
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...was a limited supply of what the miners would need down there such as water, food, and oxygen and it had been 4 days since the mine collapsed. There was a lot of speculation as to whether workers would be alive down there with the limited resources but rescuers worked at a non-stop pace to get to the trapped miners in hopes that there were survivors. A second cave-in the Saturday after the initial collapse, delayed rescuers for approximately 3 additional hours before they could resume their rescue efforts. The accident trapped workers for over two months at depths up to 2000 feet below ground. A tunnel gave way and the story was seen around the world as a miracle. The worldwide coverage was intense showing every detail of what Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Chilean Copper Mine Collapse the rescue team went through to get to these trapped miners. Over 1,000 news reporters and journalists from all over the world covered the story. The coverage became more intense when a rescue worker surfaced with a note from the trapped miners telling the world that they were all ok. The families were ecstatic to hear this news. There was a wave of relief from the...
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...33 Miners Trapped in Chilean Copper Mine In the event of a disaster it is important that the information about it gets out as quickly and as effectively as possible. To make this possible it is important that we know as much about the audience as we do about the accident. When dealing with a multicultural audience this can be a difficult task, since we have to take into account any language barriers, how the information will be received. In this paper we will be discussing the method that the Chilean Copper Mine used after the accident that happened on Thursday, August 5th, 2010. How the Chilean Copper Mine communicates to the families of the miners, their employees and to the local community is very important. What they say will have an impact on everyone involved. The 5th of August, 2010, in the northern area of Copiapo, Chile is where the Chilean Copper Mine is located. The Chilean Copper Mine collapsed and on that fateful Thursday, 33 miners became trapped inside this was reported by The New York Times (New York Times, 2010). The miners were trapped in an area of the mine which was 2,300 feet below the surface. The 33 miners were trapped below ground for almost two months. It would be easy to understand why the Chilean Copper Mining Company was being skeptical about the possibilities of there being any survivors. During this time the Chilean Copper Mining Company was having a hard time keeping the families of the trapped miners reassured, some were having...
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...Dear Mrs Fanagan, I’m writing to inform you about a cause that is truly dear to our hearts. Thia is for the RNLI, we wanted to have them as our charity. The RNLI also known as the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, this is a charity that are out everyday rescuing people’s lives. In this institution there are over 4,600 lifeboat crew member, and all of them don’t get paidbecause they volunteered to do this. All the money they get is from vluntary donations. The RNLI need specialist equipment to be able to get also need many boots to get people to safety. A new lifeboat costs between £6000 and £1.3 million. This is a vast amount of money and with our help we could raise neough money for them to buy the equipment they need and boats. To raise money we could have cake sales every summer, book sales, competitions, movie night etc…… There are just over 500 people in Year 7 and if everyone co operates nothing can go wrong. Also some of the children can do things around their neighbourhoods or get sponsored by someone. This is for a really important cause. In a single year, lifeboats rescued 7,897 people at sea. It’s also a benefit for us aswel because it will show that our school did something fro an important charity and it will give us a good name. Furthermore, because it is so important the newspaper may come round and want to know more about whaat we did to help one of the most important charities ever. This will also be an opportunity for some of our Year 7’s to make friends...
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...Knowing Your Audience and Communication Release Patricia Brooks BCOM/275 Date Melinda Maldonado Knowing Your Audience Paper and Communication Release Knowing the audience and using the right communication release is vital in any catastrophe. For example, the Chilean copper mine disaster in South America, which left 33 miners trapped 300 feet underground fighting for their lives. Chilean miners had limited water, food, oxygen, and the chance for survival was slim. Fortunately, in this catastrophe the tears turn into screams of joy because all 33 Chilean miners were rescued (Weik, 2010). The Beginning of the Communication Process There are many factors to think about when a situation like this happens. Families must be notified, employees are inform, and questions form the media as well as the families’ has to be addressed. Communication process is vital and must be handled accordingly with the intended audience in mind. In addition, forming the right communication release to the people in the audience and those who have different roles in the media is equally important. This will allow the company speaker to have effective message. If the audience is not taken into consideration when conveying a message, the communication could be lost, misunderstood, or incomplete (Cheesebro, & Rios, 2010). Potential needs of the Families Communication must be designed with the audience in mind therefore, when releasing information to the victim’s families on their conditions...
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...loved ones are ok and are going to be rescued. In a case like this you would want to give the family a positive message and reassure them that the company is doing everything they can to rescue them and make it as comfortable as possible. Second, would be to communicate to the rest of the internal employees of the situation and reinforce to them that working for this company is safe. I think that it would be a good idea to tell them how this happened and steps the company is taking to assure that it will not happen again. Both of these things are hard and complicated to do, but can be done effectively if the message is communicated the correct way. I think that a video conference would be a good way to send the message for the family members involved. For the employees an email from the president would be preferred. I also think that management should also have a meeting to discuss the email with everyone in there department. The two drafts of the message that should be sent are below. Today we experienced an unfortunate event. In a Chilean copper mine, a disastrous downfall in one shafts of the mine left 33 miners trapped 310 meters (1017 feet) below the ground. At this time we are doing everything in our power to rescue these miners and get them home safe. We have met with the rescue team and formulated a plan to get everyone out. The miners have been contacted and at this time everyone is ok. The safety of these men and women are our number one concern and the appropriate...
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...who became known as "Los 33" ("The 33"), were trapped 700 meters (2,300 ft) underground and about 5 kilometers (3 mi) from the mine's entrance via spiraling underground service ramps. The mixed crew of experienced miners and technical support personnel, with less experience working underground, survived for a record 69 days deep underground before their rescue.[2][3] Previous geological instability at the old mine and a long record of safety violations for the mine's owners had resulted in a series of fines and accidents, including eight deaths, during the dozen years leading up to this accident. [4][5][6] As a result of the mine's notorious history, it was originally thought that the workers had probably not survived the collapse or would starve to death before they were found, if ever. The country of Chile had just endured the 2010 Chile earthquake and its associated tsunami less than six months before the accident. The Chilean people's strong empathy for the workers and their grief-stricken families and the nation's tremendous outpouring of public concern led the national government to take over the faltering search and rescue operation from the mine's financially strapped owners, privately held San Esteban Mining Company. With the significant resources that the state-owned mining company, Codelco, was able to marshal, eight exploratory boreholes were hastily drilled. Seventeen days after the accident, on 22 August, a note written in bold red letters...
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...the miners and they will tend to be emotional. The employees will also be shaken because if it were under different circumstances it could have been them trapped in the mine. Potential needs of the families Family members require more details about accidents that befall their relatives while at work (Tennyson & Ray, 2005). They will need to know the exact time the incident took place, persons trapped in the mine, rescue measures being taken to save the victims and what is being done to help them as they wait to be saved. They will also need to be updated from time to time on the developments of the rescue process, how they can get access to the miners upon rescue and above all they will need to be assured that all necessary procedures are being taken to ensure the miners are rescued safe and sound. Potential needs of the employees Since the employees are accustomed to the operations of the mine the communication will have to be concise and done formally. They will need a quick update of the incident and what the company is doing to rescue them and they will also need to be assured that the other mines are not at risk of collapsing when they resume mining (Bajak, 2010). Actions to be taken before and after communicating the message Before making the communication release it is best to consider the best channel for communicating the message to both audiences (Tennyson & Ray, 2005). For the families , it is best done through the media more specifically...
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...CASE STUDY: “LEADING THE RESCUE OF THE MINERS IN CHILE†COURSE: LDP 604 DESIGN PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION NAME: WAIGURU LEILA WANJIRU REGISTRATION NUMBER: L50/76280/2014 AN ASSIGNMENT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF MASTERS OF ARTS IN PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. 3RD NOVEMBER, 2014 Chilean Miners’ Rescue On 5th August, 2010 Chile hit the headlines with 33 miners drilling 2300 feet below the surface in a copper and gold mine in Atacama Desert, 800 kilometres North of Chile’s Capital Santiago were trapped by a massive cave- in. Chilean Mining Minister, Laurence Golborne, who had accompanied President, Sebastian Pinera, on a state visit to Quito, Ecuador, got the news at 11pm shortly after their arrival. Golborne informed the president the following morning and flew to Santiago via Peru on commercial flights then took a Chilean Air force flight to Copiapo before a 45-kilometre drive to the mine, arriving on August 7. Golborne, an engineer and entrepreneur, was recruited by the business friendly president who was inaugurated in March 2010 after success as Chief Executive of Censoud A, a large Chilean retail firm. Just 4 months in office with no mining background, Golborne took charge of a widely viewed disaster recovery effort. 69 days later, all 33 miners were rescued. Crew Foreman Luiz Urzua led the 33 trapped miners to form a small society to ration food, preserve morale, and protect their scarce resources. A surface...
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...Lowes and Fothergill references 9/11 to give examples of volunteers’ motivation and behaviors associated with rescuing disaster victims. 9/11 was a vulnerable time for Americans and everyone came together through volunteering in mass numbers to help heal and to help cope with the pain. It is important for an emergency manager to understand the "need to volunteer" because the most noteworthy impact of their volunteer work was how the experience positively affected the volunteers themselves (Lowes & Fothergill, p. 303). Volunteers are not just motivated by assisting disaster victims but volunteers also get their needs met throughout the process of volunteering. The article pointed out the positive emotional experiences that the participants...
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... "PLEASE SAVE HIM!!" is a sentence heard by Emergency Medical Service professionals (EMS) all over the United States, and as always, there is a rescuer waiting to be dispatched to save a person’s life. Thousands of EMS personnels save lives on a daily basis, not for the paycheck, but for the privilege of saving someone’s life. This has been the case since 1966 when it all started. Emergency Medical Services is a branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of critical and unscheduled patients with illnesses or trauma that requires immediate medical attention. EMS is a new but popular industry in today's society. Since its debut, EMS has changed to meet the demands and needs of its customers in a time-effective manner. To fully grasp the changes made because of the industry, it is important to understand the history of emergency medical services to know where it came from, where its going, and how much it has already changed healthcare. EMS was first used in the military in the 1790s, “to transport battlefield casualties to a centralized care area” ("History of Emergency Medicine") however, In the 1920s with the growth of cars and automobile transportation came the growth of accidents and trauma casualties.This prompted a need for change and EMS was officially debut into the public, following the publication of the “Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society” also known as the EMS “White Paper.” this was an article published by the National Academy...
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...still alive. The Chilean government took over day one and brought in oilrig trucks to dig ½ mile down to the trapped miners. The oilrigs drilled a 26 in wide hole in which they sent a cage down to the miners. Rescuers needed to care for the miners’ health with food, exercise, and games while ensuring the miners girth stay under 35 inches. Once the cage reached the miners, it took 1-3 hours to bring one miner up at a time. The rescue operation had a price tag of around $10 million to $20 Million. The rescue operation was watched from around the world although it initially did not have national exposure until an editor helped it go viral. Supplies such as fresh air, clothing, food, medicine, sleeping cots, electricity, and running water were provided through two six in boreholes spanning 2300 feet. On the surface families stayed near the mine at a make shift camp called ‘Camp Hope” and were able to send and receive letters in an effort to comfort the miners during the rescue which initially thought would take up to 4 months. The miners did understand that the rescue would take some time and requested a small television to watch their beloved soccer games. After 69 pain-staking days, the miners began ascending from the depths below during an operation taking over 22 hours. Miners were provided with UV goggles to protect the miner’s eyes due to their eyes adapting to the darkness below. As each miner was extracted, sounds of joy and relief spread throughout everyone. According to "Every...
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...CASE STUDY: “LEADING THE RESCUE OF THE MINERS IN CHILE” COURSE: LDP 604 DESIGN PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION NAME: WAIGURU LEILA WANJIRU REGISTRATION NUMBER: L50/76280/2014 AN ASSIGNMENT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE OF MASTERS OF ARTS IN PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. 3RD NOVEMBER, 2014 Chilean Miners’ Rescue On 5th August, 2010 Chile hit the headlines with 33 miners drilling 2300 feet below the surface in a copper and gold mine in Atacama Desert, 800 kilometres North of Chile’s Capital Santiago were trapped by a massive cave- in. Chilean Mining Minister, Laurence Golborne, who had accompanied President, Sebastian Pinera, on a state visit to Quito, Ecuador, got the news at 11pm shortly after their arrival. Golborne informed the president the following morning and flew to Santiago via Peru on commercial flights then took a Chilean Air force flight to Copiapo before a 45-kilometre drive to the mine, arriving on August 7. Golborne, an engineer and entrepreneur, was recruited by the business friendly president who was inaugurated in March 2010 after success as Chief Executive of Censoud A, a large Chilean retail firm. Just 4 months in office with no mining background, Golborne took charge of a widely viewed disaster recovery effort. 69 days later, all 33 miners were rescued. Crew Foreman Luiz Urzua led the 33 trapped miners to form a small society to ration food, preserve morale, and protect their scarce resources. A surface team numbering...
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...will address the families of the trapped miners, the second is a release for the employees of the company. Considerations Given the Different Audiences The communications director must choose carefully how he shall address each of these audiences. Some considerations are the emotional state of the audience, how much information to give them, how to address that the miners may not be alive and how to describe a rescue that has never been attempted before. Some potential needs requiring consideration for the families that will be receiving this message are; on site grief counseling, private areas for families to absorb the information outside the press view, and basic amenities and shelter for them to utilize during the rescue efforts. There also need to be considerations made for the employees of the company as well. These 33 men are friends, coworkers, and possibly even family members of the other employees. The address must carefully be presented because some of these men feel a sense of guilt for getting out safe and they are extremely emotional. Facts about rescue efforts and possible outcomes must be thorough and honest as many of the employees will be familiar with these types of operations. Required Actions Before and After Speeches There are certain actions required both before...
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