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Peter Martin Against Her Will Analysis

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Against Her Will by Peter Martin is one of the best books I've read in a long, long time. This story is so powerful emotionally, it's an absolute rollercoaster! The story follow the man character, a 22 year-old woman named Donna, who is viciously attacked and sexually assaulted after leaving work late one day. Donna then goes to experience post traumatic stress as her once put-together life begin to crumble around her. Relationships with her boyfriend and parents begin to sour as Donna feels that nobody truly understands what it is she's going through. Eventually, even those who she leans on most seem to just want to force her to stop taking pity upon herself, and at times they even seem like they have their own selfish agenda for her. As

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...Universität Bayreuth “ Notes on Indian Country: Native American Literature” SS 2012 Claudia Deetjen American Modernism and House Made of Dawn Daniel Quitz Matrikelnummer: 1164204 Englisch (5) / Geschichte (5), LA Maximilianstrasse 16, 95444 Bayreuth Tel.: 0176/ 73911615 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Defining American Modernism 3. American Modernism in House Made of Dawn 3.1 Complex and Modern Urban Life 3.2 Alienation: The Portrait of a Lost Generation 3.3 The Stream of Consciousness 3.4 Other Features 4. Conclusion 5. Bibliography Quitz 1 1. Introduction When Navarre Scott Momaday first published his award-winning novel House Made of Dawn, literary critics celebrated the book as the Renaissance of Native American Literature. The novel, which won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1969, has influenced both readers and well-known Native American writers such as Leslie Marmon Silko or Sherman Alexie since its first publication. Moreover, it has certainly made the success of Native American Literature possible. This is one of the reasons why Momaday can be considered as the “dean of Native American writers“ (Hager 2). House Made of Dawn is about Abel, a young Native American who returns home to Walatowa from World War II. There, he struggles to reintegrate into the tribal community as he is torn between two different worlds. On the one hand, it is the traditional environment of his pueblo...

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