...Many historians describe Peter I as an outstanding politician, a bright mind, fair and democratic king, whose reign was so eventful and contradictory, that became the subject for the huge number of scientific works, popular science and fiction. At the time, even the cult of monarch was created. Personally, I think that Peter the Great was a very ambitious man and everything what he has done for his country just proves it. From the book by Foyanov; History of from ancient times to the beginning of XX century (История от древнейших времен до начала XX века): «…не впадая в преувеличения, надо видеть, что Петр был суровым, жестоким человеком. Характеристику Петра можно закончить его портретом, который донес до нас датский посланник: "Царь очень...
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...Peter the Great Introduction about Peter the great… Peter the Great ,Peter Peter l or pytor Alexeyevich Romanov ruled the tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May [O.. 27 April] 1682 until his death , jointly ruling before 1696 with his half –brother… Life of Peter the Great… Peter the Great was born on June 9th, 1672 and he was from Moscow and he died February 8th, 1725 Saint Petersburg. He have six kids and their names are... Alexe, Tsarevich, Duke, Anna, Elizabeth, Duchesse. Peter full name is: Peter Alekse Tevich Roman and the parents that gave him his name is :{ MOTHER} Alexis l Russia and his {FATHER} Natalia Naryshkina… and his {SISTER} Sophia Alekseyevna … h The Early Life of Peter the Great From the early years of Peter the Great… Peter the great education was put in the hands of several tutors most notably Nikitia Zotov, Patrick Gordon and Paul Menesius. On January 29th 1676 Tsar Alexis died, leaving the Sovereignty to Peter’s elder half-brother the weak and sickly Feodor lll. Throughout the period the government was largely run by Artamon Matveev , an enlightened friend of Peter’s dad Alexis , the political head of the Naryshkin family and one of Peter’s greatest...
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...Peter the Great was one of the most famous czars in Russia, ruling from 1689 through 1725. Born in Moscow on June 9, 1672, Peter the Great was able to accomplish the incredible task of modernizing Russia. Due to his amazing talents, Russia was one of Europe’s leading countries during his reign. From wars to the multiple reforms he made, Peter the Great was able to successfully meet his primary goal: to expand and westernize Russia. Without him, Russia would have continued to be isolated and old-fashioned compared to the rest of Europe. Peter the Great’s interest in war was greatly beneficial to Russia. Through most of the wars that Peter was involved in, he was able to acquire and create features that helped Russia prosper. For example, from 1700 through 1721, Russia was involved in its first major European conflict, the Great Northern War. As a result, Peter the Great had to make multiple preparations. He needed troops for his army, this meant that all of the new soldiers had to be trained and armed. A fleet for the Baltic and Black Seas was necessary when looking for a victory. These ships needed Muscovites, who needed special training, to sail them. Once accomplished, Peter the Great was able to defeat Charles XII of Sweden in Ukraine. Through the Peace of Naystadt in 1721, he acquired the Baltic coastline. It was there that Peter planned to open warm water ports. These ports led to a growth in manufacturing through the companies created by the state (Jay 1). Then in 1722...
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...James Crarer 12EUC709 - The Russian Empire The Russian Empire Essay “In what ways did Peter the Great’s reforms transform the concept of the Empire?” Peter the Great’s reforms are widely considered to be one of the most defining moments in Russian history. Beginning as an effort to modernize the country’s military, as the era progressed the reforms expanded, instigating economic development, governmental modernization, intellectual reorientation and social reconstruction.1 The injection of European practices into Russia arguably set the precedence for the onslaught of a top down modernization that has since been a trait of Russian state development, as well as illuminating the beginning of the transition into a form of Russian modernity. The geographical historian Dennis Shaw, reiterates this by suggesting Peter exposed Russia “to the ideas of the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. Building on the achievements of his father, Peter launched a thoroughgoing reform or modernization of his realm with the aim of transforming it into a major European state.”2 In order to comprehend this transformation of the Russian empire, an appreciation of meaning of the term ‘empire’ is required. Stephen Howe suggests that ‘an empire is a large, composite, multiethnic or multinational political unit, usually created by conquest, and divided between a dominant center and subordinate, sometimes far distant, peripheries.’3 While Howe’s definition provides a coherent basis from which...
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...He received no formal education, but due to the talent and curiosity was on the level of knowledge of the world at that time. Peter made reforms in all areas of Russian life: the state administration, the army and navy, the church, in economics, finance, science and education, daily life and customs. Peter the Great's reign is the time of approval of absolutism, with its idea of a "public good" implemented by the unlimited power of the monarch and his regular bureaucracy of the state. Noble empire, created by Peter, reduced Russia lagging behind the advanced countries of Europe, but these gains have been achieved by the extreme tension of material and human forces, through the strengthening of the feudal order in the country and caused widespread dissatisfaction among the people (Streltsy uprising, a revolt in Astrakhan, Bulavin uprising...
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...Peter the Great Reforms Russia: A DECREE ON A NEW CALENDAR, DECEMBER 20, 1699, ed., Peter Stearns, et al., Documents in World History, Volume II. The Modern Centuries: from 1500 to the Present (New York: Harper and Row, 1988), 32-33. New Calendar from Polnoe Sobranie Zakonov Russkoi Imperii (Complete Collection of the Laws of the Russian Empire), 1st series, Vol. 3, No. 1736, pp. 681-82. Peter the Great Reforms Russia: DECREES ON THE DUTIES OF THE SENATE, ed., Peter Stearns, et al., Documents in World History, Volume II. The Modern Centuries: from 1500 to the Present (New York: Harper and Row, 1988), 33. Duties of the Senate from Polnoe Sobranie, Vol. 4, No. 2321, p. 627 and No. 2330, p. 643. Peter the Great Reforms Russia: DECREES ON CONPULSORY EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN NOBILITY, JANUARY 12, AND FEBRUARY 28, 1714, ed., Peter Stearns, et al., Documents in World History, Volume II. The Modern Centuries: from 1500 to the Present (New York: Harper and Row, 1988), 33-34. Compulsory Education from Polnoe Sobranie, Vol. 5, No. 2762, p. 78 and No. 2778, p. 86. Lenin and the Russian Revolution: OUR PROGRAMME (1899), ed., Peter Stearns, et al., Documents in World History, Volume II. The Modern Centuries: from 1500 to the Present (New York: Harper and Row, 1988), 123. V.I. Lenin, Selected Works (New York: International Publishers, 1971), p.33. Lenin and the Russian Revolution: PROCLAIMING THE NEW SOVIET GOVERNMENT (NOVEMBER 1917), ed., Peter Stearns, et al., Documents in World...
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...Essay: Peter the Great v.s. Catherine the Great Peter the great first took to the throne in 1682 as a ten-year-old boy. Though he lacked proper education at first, he soon gained knowledge and set his sights for modernizing Russia. His ideas, however, were difficult to express, therefore he soon became an autocrat. He gained control over everything from the Russian Orthodox Church to boyars, or landowning noblemen, forcing them into various positions as civilians or military personnel. Forcing the boyars to shave their beads, change their style of clothing and allow women into their parties didn’t please them, however the boyars’ lands and servants were protected by Peter. Peter also ushered in a new generation in academics, creating better education systems and creating more academies. He also fixed up the roads, waterways and canals to help with his modernization of Russia. (Ellis & Esler, 168-169) Though his ideas proved to be good ones, he had a terrible tolerance for rebels, often torturing them and displaying their corpses on the outside of his palace walls. His army became the largest in Europe, he “Built a world-class navy from scratch,” and sought to extend the borders of his kingdom. He fought against the Ottoman Empire to gain a route for trade with the west that wouldn’t freeze over, but suffered defeat at their hands. ( Ellis & Esler, 169-170) Peter’s army went to war with Sweden in 1700, again suffering many defeats, but finally nine years later he won seizing...
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...Peter the Great was the Czar (and later self-proclaimed emperor) of Russia from 1682-1725. At that time, the country was an absolute monarch. Meaning that Peter could do whatever he pleased, whenever he pleased. There were no restrictions to keep him from doing something that violated the rights of his citizens. Though it isn't like anyone would stop him anyway, because he was nearly seven feet tall. The things he did ranged from modernizing the military, to having his own son killed for treason. Peter was born on June 9th, 1672. His father, Alexis, died in 1676. (So when Peter was four years old.) For a while, his half-sister Sophia held as regent until Peter was 17 years old (1689). As a boy, he enjoyed things like sailing and ship-building....
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...Peter I, also known as Peter the Great, is arguably one of the greatest absolute rulers that ever held power over the country of Russia. This man was able to achieve his goals during his reign despite the problems that he faced. During this time, some basic issues in several European countries included territory, economy, and religion. However, these issues varied depending on which country someone was responsible for. As for Peter the Great, he had to face the Church who held a large power but was not willing to change. Another domestic affair that he tried to tackle was education for the rest of Europe was advancing at a quicker pace than that of Russia. Not only that, there were several prominent wars that were fought while he was in power....
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...country back to peace and prosperity is former rulers of Russia, Catherine the great, Peter 1 “Peter the Great” and former ruler of Austria, Maria Theresa (Habsburg), but only one of them from their qualities and accomplishments is the best for the job. Peter the great was also Czah from Russia, and he had also made many accomplishments and greatness during his reign....
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...Peter Cartwright was an American Methodist, revivalist,and preacher in the Midwest, as well as twice an elected legislator in Illinois. He was a Methodist missionary who helped start America's Second Great Awakening. He stood for Evangelical Methodism which was becoming one of the fastest growing religions in the nations during the 1800s along with the Baptists. The Awakening is best known for the large camp meetings that led incredible numbers of people towards conversion through a style of preaching and audience participation. Peter Cartwright was very skilled in this style of preaching, “There was a great stir in the congregation. Some wept, some shouted, and before our meeting closed several were converted.” said Cartwright. He was also...
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...Ivan the Terrible was an erratic sovereign who ruled Russia in extreme oppression, whereas Peter the Great was a Tsar that serves a better purpose for Russia. Both of these Russian rulers were raised under traumatic conditions which contributes to their actions in the future such as killing many of their own people. As the Tsars of the Russian state, they enjoyed absolute power as an autocrat. Ivan the Terrible made a series of improvement in the country’s military and judiciary structures, continuing the legacy of his predecessors in expansionism. However his efforts on annexing Livonia to gain a port at the Baltic sea was unsuccessful. After the death of his wife Anastasia, he was grieve stricken and became paranoia. As a result of his...
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...An absolute monarch is someone who has absolute power among their people. One absolute monarch in history is Peter the Great. Peter was a Russian czar. Peter was considered an absolute monarch because he strengthen the government and reduce nobility. Peter rise to power when Tsar Alexi died so him and his brother Ivan shared the throne until Ivan died. After Ivan’s death, Peter was left as a solo Tsar. Around late 1600s early 1700s, Peter accomplish multiple things as ruler. He led Russia out of medieval times and made it a leading European state. In order for Russia to reach that position he strengthen the military service in Russia by adding a navy, he expanded Russia’s borders, centralize the royal power by buying all Russian institution under his control. He...
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...Peter the Great was a Tsar who ruled Russia in the late 17th century. During that time, the Western Civilization had surpassed technological and agricultural innovations, whereas Russia was stuck in the mud. At a young age, Peter the Great fell in love with the militarism and Navy, the Westerners had advertised for the world. Thus came the idea of Westernization. Economically and Politically, Peter the Great offered many a great reforms that were successful. Such as, traveling to the West and applying what he has learned to his own economy. Though he brought back new reforms that changed Russia for the good, he tried to introduce social and cultural reforms that did not get the kick start that he had hope for. The idea of changing Russia’s...
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...Peter the Great and the Growth of Russia Czar Peter the Great of Russia was czar (emperor) of all of Russia during the late 17th and early 18th century. Peter Romanov was born on June 9, 1672, fourteenth child of Czar Alexis of Russia with his second wife Natalya, with the name Pyotr Alekseyevich Romanov. Peter the Great was co-ruler with his half-brother Ivan V, until Ivan died in 1696. After the death of Ivan he became the singular czar of Russia and had supreme power over everything. He used his power to force the stubborn Russia into being modernized (Peter the Great). During his rule, peter developed a powerful nation with very modern and developed systems of church, military, and schooling, as well as a strong economy (Trueman). Peter, for the greater good of the nation, wrote a decree saying that the eldest son will always receive all of the inheritance so that the families money will not be spread so thin that there will be no rich households. This was much different than what the citizens were used to (Decree on Single Inheritance, March 23, 1714). This, like many other laws that were made at the time, had a large impact on Russia. His ideas were useful but many people disagreed. There were several rebellions against his rule....
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