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Pharmacist Vs Pharmacy Technician

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Although both jobs may seem the same to the customer, a pharmacist and pharmacy technician are two different things. A pharmacist must check all orders before giving them to a customer to prevent any mistakes. They also speak with patients to answer questions and guide them to take their medication in the correct way. Some pharmacists may prepare customized medications. A pharmacy technician’s job is to fill out orders, prepare the labels, stock the shelves, and process the payments. Personally, I would prefer being a pharmacy technician over a pharmacist. I’ve wanted to be a pharmacist for a couple of years in middle school. In order to be a pharmacist, one must go to school for six years and earn a doctorate degree in pharmacology. This …show more content…
If so, they will need more medication and therefore, more pharmacists. These jobs as either a pharmacist or pharmacy technician can be in hospitals, community pharmacies, or even home health care pharmacies. Because medicine is less prevalent in some areas of the world than others, developing countries have fewer pharmacists then first world countries. Considering the United States only, California actually has the greatest number on pharmacies (5,560). On a salary aspect, pharmacists make about $84,500 per year. Experienced professionals may earn up to $144,100 every year. Beginning pharmacy technicians make around $20,300 per year while experienced pharmacy technicians can earn up to $41,900 annually. What I like about pharmacists is that they help patients to become well. I absolutely love helping others with anything and everything. I am not interested in becoming a doctor due to the physical aspects of the job; however, a pharmacist does not do that to the extent of a doctor. Pharmacists would also need to talk to patients and answer questions. I would love to be able to clear their mind of curiosity because I know that I, having a curious mind, cannot go about my day with an unanswered question. Communicating with patients would be the source of my

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