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Physical Abuse Research Paper

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“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”-Eleanor Roosevelt. Often when people hear of someone being abused, they tend to think of physical abuse. Physical abuse is defined as any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by bodily contact. If someone were to question another individual on how to define emotional abuse, their answer would not be as simple as physical abuse. Many people focus all of their attention to physical abuse, that they often overlook signs of someone who is being abused mentally. Three years ago I was in an emotionally abusive relationship myself, which still gives me haunting memories till this day. Perhaps if people were aware of the signs of emotional abuse, they could …show more content…
When I was in this relationship, my phone would be constantly checked by the abuser. He once even took it away from me for an entire school day, unfollowed my fellow acquaintances, deleted many contacts, and deleted his own “romantic” comments he previously left under my photos. I was given an informal script of “laws” that I had to follow or he would leave me and make everyone think it was my wrong doing. I could not sit with a group of people at lunch, talk to any males, hug females, go to Wawa without calling first, I could not even wear that cute orange shirt from American Eagle or those expensive leggings. I was constantly criticized for jokes I laughed at, why I was interested in certain things at school, and for what I attempted to wear. One day at school I was upset with the abuser and wanted to walk home alone. I wore a skirt and was followed by him while listening to his disgusting remarks of how he “knows I wore that skirt for all of the guys at Vineland.” It was like having my own personal …show more content…
He had even attempted to have various females and males attack me since I had left the relationship. Leaving the relationship did not mean all of the torture had left. I would be called crazy if I ever tried to confront him about his behavior. I once tried to give the abuser a gift basket full of his favorite snacks, only for him to throw it all over my desk in class because he was in a bad mood. Things that were fine for him to do were not allowed for me. I had been crying myself to sleep for months. I was so fearful that I stopped contact with my friends, had angry outbursts on my family, having no emotion in school, and losing interests in activities I once loved. I was losing myself and I had no idea how to come

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