...Five Musicological Fields: The study of music also known as musicology encompasses five distinct fields. These include the study of historical musicology, ethnomusicology, philosophy of music, psychology of music and acoustics (Nation-master, 2013). The first major field, historical musicology, is the study of musical origins including subjects such as composers, genres and musical notation. Ethnomusicology is the second major field of musicology and is based around the field studies on music in diverse cultures. Thirdly, the philosophy of music is concerned with the central question of ‘what is music’. Another major field is Psychology of music which relates to the effect music has on human beings. The last musicological field of acoustics is the study of the science of sound (Nation-master, 2013). These five fields make up the fundamentals of musicology and will be explored within this report. Historical musicology focuses on the progression of music over time. This field studies the progressive styles of compositions, performances, receptions and criticisms of music (Nation-master, 2013). The methods of studying historical musicology also include source studies, manuscript studies, textual criticism, style criticism, the choice of historical method, musical analysis, and the application of musical analysis (Nation-master, 2013). This field of study also examines the lives and work of composers and performers (Queensland Studies Authority 2008). Influences and impacts on...
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...Physics of sound Sound is a mechanical wave, sequence of waves is resulting from an air pressure disturbance produced by vibration, and sound propagates through the medium such as air or water. During the propagation, sound can be reflected or attenuated by the medium. Humans can hear the sound is because the vibration pass the wave in to our ear, this is called Traveling Longitudinal Waves. The propagation of the sound can be affected by the density and pressure. The temperature determines the speed of sound with in the medium, also the medium itself would affect the propagation such as wind (moving medium) if the medium is moving therefore the wave would propagated further; with the medium don’t have viscosity, sound would be easier to propagate, but if the medium have an negative viscosity such as water the it would affects the motion of the sound wave. On the top is the diagram of the travellingwave the bar above the diagram represent the concentrations of the pressures on the wave, when the curve are compression (the part above the horizontal line) it represent a high pressure; when the curve are rarefaction (the part below the horizontal line) it represent a low pressure and they change from one to another, this pattern repeats indefinitely. Speed of sound = wavelength*Frequency Wavelength (it can be written as λ) is the distance between two consecutive corresponding points of a waveform. Normally the wavelength is about a meter long. The pitch/frequency of the...
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...Acoustics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Acoustical) Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Acoustics (disambiguation). Artificial omni-directional sound source in an anechoic chamber Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of all mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including vibration, sound, ultrasound and infrasound. A scientist who works in the field of acoustics is an acoustician while someone working in the field of acoustics technology may be called an acoustical engineer. The application of acoustics is present in almost all aspects of modern society with the most obvious being the audio and noise control industries. Hearing is one of the most crucial means of survival in the animal world, and speech is one of the most distinctive characteristics of human development and culture. Accordingly, the science of acoustics spreads across many facets of human society—music, medicine, architecture, industrial production, warfare and more. Art, craft, science and technology have provoked one another to advance the whole, as in many other fields of knowledge. Robert Bruce Lindsay's 'Wheel of Acoustics' is a well accepted overview of the various fields in acoustics.[1] The word "acoustic" is derived from the Greek word ακουστικός (akoustikos), meaning "of or for hearing, ready to hear"[2] and that from ἀκουστός (akoustos), "heard, audible",[3] which in turn derives from the verb ἀκούω (akouo), "I...
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...When we are born, we are 90% water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 70%. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 50% water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water. From a physical perspective, humans are water. When I realized this and started to look at the world from this perspective, I began to see things in a whole new way.” (Emoto 2004) Studies behind Hidden Messages in Water Dr. Masaru Emoto started his studies of molecular structure of water by freezing and looking at the crystal. He used different kind of water: tap, natural and distilled. He exposed distilled water to classical music and metal music. He claimed, “All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed...
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...Polyphonic HMI: Mixing Music and Math So few songs actually become hits—Las Vegas gives you better odds than the music industry! You might as well just put a million dollars on red and spin the wheel . . . — Ric Wake, Independent Music Producer In late 2003, the management team of Barcelona-based Polyphonic HMI was preparing to launch an artificial intelligence tool that they believed had the potential to create tremendous value for the music industry. The technology, referred to as Hit Song Science (HSS), analyzed the mathematical characteristics of music (by isolating aspects such as melody, tempo, pitch, rhythm, and chord progression) and compared them with characteristics of past music hits, making it possible to determine a song’s hit potential. Mike McCready, the CEO of Polyphonic, explained: The music industry has always used two criteria to determine if a song will be a success. One is that it sounds like a hit. They have professionals at the music labels who are paid to determine if a song sounds like a hit. And two is that they have an idea how they can bring the artist and the song to the market. The problem is that the industry has about a 10% success rate: only one in 10 songs that get promoted ever charts. We add a third criterion—that it has to have optimal mathematical patterns—and significantly increase success rates. “This piece of technology is truly special,” he raved. “In one of our early tests, HSS generated unusually high...
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...ELECTIVES: America’s Colonial Foundations (0.5) America’s Colonial Foundations provides an introduction to the major topics of the establishment of British North America, their political economic and social structures, religious and intellectual characteristics and the transition from distant citizens of Great Britain to a new American identity. It will examine changing relationships with Native Americans, development of racial slavery as a labor source, and European cultural influences on the various colonial regions. American Literature (0.5) Throughout the course of American Literature, students will be able to encounter and experience the full span of America’s rich literary history. The course begins with the literary contributions of America’s first settlers, and explores how their faith and difficult circumstances shaped their lives and the literature through which they captured these early moments of America. The course then moves through the Age of Faith, during which the core of American Literature was shaped by a strong and foundational faith, and then into the Age of Reason, during which the world of science and modern thinking started to shape the literature of the times. The study of literature then moves into the Romantic period, and then the Realist period, both of which shaped American Literature at its core and brought about significant changes to the style, structure, and purpose of literature. The introduction of Modern literature includes the literature of...
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...idealism and materialism focuses on the two thoughts of mind over matter or matter over mind. There were many philosophers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who presented their views regarding Idealism. David Hume, George Berkeley. Immanuel Kant and Georg Hegel were very influential philosophers during that time frame. The differences between the ideas of perception and reality were discussed frequently by these philosophers (Walker, 2010). The work of previous philosophers influenced future philosophers. The ideas of each philosopher helped in the advancement of the knowledge to attain what we know today about various topics of interest in the different fields derived from the basis of philosophy. Math, science, medicine, physics are just some of the fields of interest that evolved through the history of philosophy. David Hume’s belief was that nothing is ever present to the mind but perception. He also believed that the connection between perceptions is because of cause and effect. His belief includes the thought that some relations are already present in the content of perception as well...
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...Importance of art in the life of people Introduction Art is a vehicle with expression and communication of emotions and ideas in conjunction. The types of art are: fine art, performing art and others. Fine art is a kind of visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic purposes and judged by its beauty and meaningfulness, especially painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolour, graphic and architecture. Conversely, performing art uses the artist’s body, face, and presence as a medium. The latter include; dance, drama, music, opera, theatre, magic, spoken word, circus arts and many such performed art. Body Painting- fine art It is a mode of expression which means it expresses spiritual motifs, feelings and ideas. Painting can be naturalistic and representational such as still life and landscape and it can also be photographic and abstract. Painting is one of the three romantic arts along with poetry and music for its symbolic, highly intellectual purpose. “The mona lisa” is one of the most recognisable artist painting in western world. So painting is meaningful in most people life. Sculpture – is an important form of public art (fine art) It is a three dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard material by the use of imagination. Sculpture is highly influential by its originality and genuineness which means it comes directly from the heart of the producer and reaches the heart of the consumer. A collection of sculpture in a garden...
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...said, "I would teach children music, physics and philosophy: but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning." Frequency, note progression in a scale, rhythms and beats, vibrations, composition, timing, expression, harmonies, tone, orchestration and melody all trigger different learning experiences within the brain. Clinical music therapy can be used as a vital tool, for improving the quality of life in individual's suffering from deficiencies in cognitive, motor, emotional and social behaviors. Music affects many parts of the brain. The auditory cortex disseminates volume, pitch, speed, melody and rhythm. Lyric memory and sounds, along with imagery associated with sounds, and...
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...Scientist, “born in Ulm, Wurttemberg on March 14, 1879” to Hermann and Pauline. Because my mother loved music, which enhanced my appreciation for music, she provided violin lessons for me when I was around six years of age. Most of my time was spent in intellectual solitude and relaxation. I spent my early years growing up in Munich, where I begin school at Luitpold Gymnasium, and my father manufactured electrical products. I have one sister named Maja, she was born in 1881. When my father’s business failed, he and I moved to Milan Italy. In 1896, I begin studying in Zurich, at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute. I received my teaching degree in physics and mathematics in 1900; the same year I renounced my German citizenship, leaving me stateless until 1901, when I become a Swiss citizen. (http://german.about.com) I was employed at the Swiss Patent Office in Berlin from 1902 to 1909, at which time, a fellow colleague at Polytechnic Institute named Mileva Maric, out of wedlock, gave birth to our daughter, Liserl. We later gave her up for adoption. On January 6, 1903, Mileva and I were married in Zurich; we have two sons. (Jahr, 2005) In 1905, I published my doctoral dissertation, including Relativitatstheorie, and received a PhD from the University of Zurich. I served, in 1909 as a Professor at the University of Zurich and in 1910 as a Professor of Theoretical Physics in Prague. In 1912, I returned to Zurich, Switzerland to teach at the Polytechnic Institute. We moved to...
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...Salah Awadalla February 19th, 2015 Physics 1032-001 Dr. Ashuk Puri Electromagnatism Electromagnetism is the study of electromagnetic forces and is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. It is a physical type of interaction that occurs between particles that are electrically charged. Electromagnetic forces are displayed as electric and magnetic fields that draw and repel other electrically charged particles. Electromagnetic forces are so essential that they perform an important role in forming the internal properties of objects that are used in everyday life. For example the radio. A radio signal is merely a carrier of information. The process of adding that information such as sounds of speech or music is called modulation. The first type of modulation developed was AM in 1906 that stands for amplitude modification. The FM radio later became more popular for its better quality sound in the 1960’s. Another important device created off the basis of electromagnetism was the microwave. Chemistry is also governed by the intermolecular forces that react between molecules. Electromagnetic wave mechanics are orbits that electrons are bound by to circle around the nuclei. This principle is what creates atoms, which are the very building blocks of life. This electromagnetic principle also allows the forming of covalent bonds between molecules. Electromagnetism is an important part of the world we live in and is used in the creation and application of...
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...concerns as opposed to natural processes (as in physics or chemistry) and social relations (as in anthropology or economics). We must be aware of the fact that the humanities are academic subjects that study the human form using analytical, speculative, and critical methods. There are many types of humanities and we I will try to distinguish the differences between just a few of them. The first discipline that I shall attempt to explain is Art: There are different types of art. The visual art is one that you can see as in a painting or drawing. There are paintings of President Obama, what do you see, do you judge by the content or character, or even by how it feels. Do you see a black man; is he responsible for all of the socioeconomic problems today; or do you say technologically where do we go from here? It is all in the eye of the beholder. Some will look at this painting and dislike it simply because of his race. Then there will be those who look at it from a political point of view and hate it instantly. I wonder if people in general will ever be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin as Dr. Martin Luther King so wanted. Discipline number two is another form of art which is Music: Music makes the world go round a truer statement has never been made. We look at our young people today and say that the rap music has warped their minds or changed the way that they view things. Most of the music of today promotes violence and sex. This tells...
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...I was born on October 29th, 1998 in Arlington Heights, Illinois. My parents, Scott and Debbie, were living together in a two bedroom condo in Palatine, Illinois with my older brother, Kyle, for several years. Afterwards, they moved into a small single family home in Hainesville, Illinois where I was raised for six years, thereafter we moved to McHenry. After my secondary education, I plan to study either aerospace engineering, astrophysics, or chemical engineering, and perhaps some music theory. I consider anything to be a piece of art so long as it contains an emotion, place, and time. I have difficulty writing essays because of this. Whenever I am prompted to create something, it takes preparation, consideration, and a lot of effort to create something meaningful that I would consider art. I aspire to inspire, and art gives me the chance to curate the paintings I enjoy the most. Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated with outer space, or rather, the sliver of a concept I was able to understand as “space”. Growing up with this concept, I was always searching for more history about space, more constellations to gaze at, and learn from actively...
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...Identifying the Characteristics of Sound Sound and music are parts of our everyday sensory experience. Just as humans have eyes for the detection of light and color, so we are equipped with ears for the detection of sound. We seldom take the time to ponder the characteristics and behaviors of sound and the mechanisms by which sounds are produced, propagated, and detected. The basis for the understanding of sound, music and hearing is the physics of waves. Sound is a wave which is created by vibrating objects and propagated through a medium from one location to another. In this subject, we will investigate the nature, properties and behaviors of sound waves and apply basic wave principles towards an understanding of music. The Elements of Communication Communication: transfer of information from a source or stimulus through a medium to a reception point. The medium through which the information travels can be air, water, space or solid objects. Information that is carried through all natural media takes the form of waves - repeating patterns that oscillate back and forth. E.g. light, sound, electricity radio and TV waves. Stimulus: A medium must be stimulated in order for waves of information to be generated in it. A stimulus produces energy, which radiates outwards from the source in all directions. The sun and an electric light bulb produce light energy. A speaker, a vibrating guitar string or tuning fork and the voice are sound sources, which produce sound energy waves. Medium: A medium...
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...changes in music, art, science, and literature. There was a dark side to this time period such as bootlegging, racism and violence in the workplace, but fashion, jazz, and Women’s Suffrage brought progress to the nation. A lot of today’s growth is due to the 1920s and we don’t even know it. The 1920s brought a new mentality into the world, especially for women. On August 18, 1920 women won the right to vote and in this same time period the number of working women increased by 25%. Women became teachers, nurses, social workers and librarians. “The women of this generation grew up when the advertising industry was rapidly...
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