...Pied Beauty Kimi Johnson ENGL 102 Poetry Paper Thesis: Hopkin’s poem “Pied Beauty” exemplifies how the beauty in even the oddest things in the world is worthy to be admired. I. Introduction A. Short description of the author and the poem B. Overall summary of the poem C. Theme of the poem D. Description of rhyming pattern II. Mood and Tone of the Poem A. Elements that set the tone of the poem B. The consistency of the tone throughout the poem III. Description of Hopkin’s perspective of the pied things of the world A. Definition of pied B. Description of the parts of God creation Hopkin chooses to focus on C. Description of Hopkin’s appreciate for the oddest of God’s creation IV. Conclusion Pied Beauty Pied Beauty is a poem that offers praises unto God for his marvelous creation. The imagery within the poem catapults the reader’s attention towards nature’s simplified beauty. Hopkin’s poem “Pied Beauty” exemplifies how the beauty in even the oddest things in the world is worthy to be admired. This paper will discuss the overall summary of “Pied Beauty” as well as focus on the tone and mood Hopkins used throughout this piece, as we review his appreciation of the world’s beauty through his eyes. The author of Pied Beauty, Gerard Manley Hopkins, an English poet known for his celebration of nature and all God has created, was one of the most influential of Victorian writers. Within the stanzas of this poem, Hopkins projects his perception of...
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...Pied Beauty The poem “Pied Beauty” written by Gerald Manley Hopkins on the theme of praising the beauty and diversity of nature, it is almost like a hymn of creation, praising God by praising the created world. The literal meaning of “pied” is having two or more different colours. The title itself gives an impression or an idea about the poem. When we think of pied, an image is created in our minds of beautiful colours in our world. This poem is a miniature or set-piece, and a kind of ritual observance. It begins and ends with variations on the mottoes of the Jesuit order (“to the greater glory of God” and “praise him”), which gives it a traditional flavor, tempering the unorthodoxy of its appreciations. In other words the poet appreciates and puts his thoughts about nature in the poem. The parallelism of the beginning and end correspond to a larger symmetry within the poem: the first part begins with God and then moves to praise his creations. In the next five lines Hopkins elaborates what things in nature he means to include in his rubric of “dappled”.Hopkins has used “couple-colour” which also relates to the different shades of colours of nature. The phrase “brinded cows”,in this respect, skies are like cows, which may be brown with streaks or patches of another colour. The colours of different shades of grey is compared to the different shades of colours of streaks or patches on the cows. Now the poet turns the focus to rivers, Hopkins compares the spots on a speckled...
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...Demonstrated through certain clothing choices, peculiar habits, and specific quirks, Arnold Friend's character from Joyce Carol Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" represents Charles Schmid, also known as the "Pied Piper of Tuscon," a serial killer responsible for the disappearances and murders of Alleen Rowe, and Gretchen and Wendy Fritz. According to the NY Daily News article, "Justice Story: Pied Piper of Tuscon" by Mara Bovsun, Schmid "was a little pipsqueak of a guy, standing just about 5'3'' tall" (Bovsun). To combat his height disadvantage, Schmid would wear boots and stuff them to make him appear taller; one could imagine that walking in his shoes wouldn't have been the most pleasant experience. This parallels to how...
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...My "Eight Cow" Bracelet "Beauty is only skin deep" was a phrase I heard quite often during my awkward childhood. When I was a baby, I had two chins, Michelin Tire legs, and hair that stuck straight up even though it was easily over two inches long. My mom would often dress me in only a diaper on hot days inspiring my uncle to label me with the name of "Marshmallow Butt." It was a name he was quite fond of calling me, even years later. As I grew, the double chin turned into one and a half, the legs stretched into colonial columns, and the hair eventually lay flat. This all happened just in time for puberty-acne and my first training bra when I was only ten. It was during this transitional point in my life that my father began to teach me a valuable and significant lesson regarding beauty and the power of words. During my childhood, my family indulged in a weekly ritual we called family night. We used this time for various activities. We would hold family councils where we truly believed we had a say in important subjects. We would play games and have lessons such as "being kind to your family" or some other moral issue of the time. Sometimes we would sing songs, hear stories from Dad who could rival Mark Twain any day, or spend an hour to two eating ice cream and playing at the park. I am the second child and oldest daughter in a family of ten children, so these weekly "get-togethers" rarely went without some type of fiasco. These fiascoes varied from kicking at...
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...Beauty Overlooked Priscilla Sisneros Central New Mexico Community College Beauty is often associated with wealth, good looks, a nice body or some physical characteristic that is attractive. From the minute you turn on your TV you see into a world that admires fame and wealth. Commercials portray a picture of sexy men and women with big smiles on their faces living it up. Billboards throughout any city I have ever passed through have attractive people on them in hopes that their “beauty” will gain your attention long enough to read what they are selling. Is this the true beauty that brings happiness to people? As a society we have become so superficial that we forget about what really matters, the beauty that people possess on the inside. The story “A very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez depicts a story of a fallen angel that is molting, ugly, burdensome, and considered a circus freak. However, the deeper you read into the story you soon began to realize that this anomaly of nature is there for a reason. He was Pelayo and Elisenda’s child’s guardian angel that they assumed was there to take their child. “Frightened by the nightmare, Pelayo ran to get Elisenda, his wife, who was putting compresses on the sick child.” “He’s an angel,” she told them. “He must have been coming for the child but the poor fellow is so old that the rain knocked him down.” Garcia wrote (2013). However, as you continue to read into the story you see that the angel’s inner beauty...
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...A Matter of Beauty “Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.” – Saint Augustine. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines beauty as “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the sense or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit”. However, what do we as society define beauty as? Doesn’t beauty depend on our own personal opinion? The media has convinced many people in society that beauty is only skin deep, but there is more to the matter. There are two main types of beauty, inner and outer beauty. In my opinion, inner beauty is more important than outer beauty because it is lasting instead of transient. Outer beauty is the easiest kind of beauty a person can notice. When meeting a person we don’t know for the first time, we often find ourselves intrigued at the sight of them. In this case, however, we are only analyzing his/her outer beauty. While physical beauty is alluring and possibly the drive behind why most people choose to interact with each other, many times someone considered “beautiful” can also have a malicious personality. A well known English classic, “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding, gives a perfect example of why inner beauty is lasting and outer beauty is transient. The story is about a group of school boys stranded on an uninhabited island. They must create their own “adult free” society. The sophisticated novel reflects the nature of human beings through the boys’ makeshift...
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...S******* Engl 1201 – 17 Chapter Four Paper October 11, 2013 Beauty Lies Within The Eyes Of The Beholder The year is now 2010 and as we enter this new decade, we encounter so many new trends, fashion and styles. No matter what your budget might be, it seems like everyone has the same goal in mind. They want to be beautiful and look “beautiful.” Grace Suh’s essay, “Eye of the Beholder,” details her struggle as a Korean girl to conform to a Western ideal of beauty. After her makeover, Suh felt negated and also felt like a stranger was staring back at her when she looked at herself in the mirror. Finally, she realizes that she was content with the way she naturally looked, which causes her to leave the makeup behind her on the commuter train. To me, beauty is not only something that pleases the eyes, but also pleases the other senses and the mind. I think true beauty makes you see beyond the lovely sight. It will give you insight or realization of something interesting beyond just the outward appearance. Think about the word beautiful for a moment, when we talk about beauty in people, we often refer to their physical attractiveness. Of course, a beautiful or handsome face is pleasant to look at. But I find that the most memorable "beautiful people" are the ones who have captivating personalities behind the beautiful faces. In my high school graduating class, there were two girls whose beauty just stood out among the rest, Chelsea and Tressa. Both had almost...
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...“Phenomenal Woman” uses various literary effects to express to women that it isn’t genetic beauty which is important; rather, it is inner beauty and confidence which makes a woman beautiful and the poem’s repetition of the phrase “phenomenal woman” creates an effect in the poem which emphasizes what it means to be a woman. The first stanza in “Phenomenal Woman” begins with Angelou expressing the curiosity which “pretty women” (1) have with her “beauty.” Pretty women don’t see physical beauty in her, yet they see another type of beauty portrayed and question her as to what it may be. Angelou tells them, “It’s in the reach of my arms/the span of my hips/the stride of my step/the curl of my lip/I’m a woman/phenomenally/phenomenal woman” (6-12). Through the use of metaphorical phrases, the author is expressing to the women that she has confidence and it is displayed in how she expresses her femininity. For example, in the way she walks and talks. These things make her beautiful, or a phenomenal woman. In the second stanza of the poem, Angelou depicts herself walking into a room full of men, who all bow to her upon her entrance. “I walk into a room/just as cool as you please/and to a man/the fellows stand or/fall down to their knees/then they swarm around me/a hive of honey bees” (14-20). Angelou describes how when she enters a room, she does not have to do much to show her beauty, yet it is expressed in her confidence and her overall...
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...JoAnn Ross Mr. Shaw Sociology 11 March 2014 The Origin of the Beauty Myth The origin of the beauty myth is an age old question. Some have said that it was around the 1830’s that this myth came to fruition. Some will argue that it has been around since the beginning of time. The beauty myth as we know is predicate around several sociological behaviors; work, culture, and religion to name a few. The main reason as we will see is that the beauty myth is not about how a woman looks, but man’ institution and power. So if the beauty myth is not based on evolution, sex, gender, aesthetics or God on what is it based? It claims to be about intimacy and sex and life a celebration of women. It is actually composed of emotion distance, politics, finance and sexual repression. The beauty myth tells a story: The quality called “beauty” objectively and universally exists. Women must want to embody it and men must want to possess women who embody it. This embodiment is an imperative for women and not for men, which situation is necessary and natural because it is biological, sexual, and evolutionary: Strong men battle for beautiful women, and beautiful women are more reproductively successful. Women’s beauty must correlate to their fertility, and since this system is based on sexual selection, it is inevitable and Changeless. None of this is true. “Beauty” is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it is determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West...
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... what motivates our feelings of affection for someone else. Specifically, it's about finding love in spite of (or maybe even because of) physical flaws. Appearances "Appearances" is a major theme in Sonnet 130, since our speaker spends a lot of the poem talking about what's wrong with his mistress's looks. He does a pretty complete dissection of her face, her body, and her smell. He doesn't say anything at all about her personality, but instead sticks to his laundry list of problems with her appearance. This gives Shakespeare a chance to poke fun at our obsession with looks and to show how ridiculous it is to ask any person to live up to some ideal of perfect beauty. Women and Femininity In Sonnet 130, the theme "Women and Femininity" is connected to the idea of appearances. This poem is all about female beauty and our expectations and stereotypes about the way women ought to look. You know how in magazines women pretty much tend to look the same? They all fit into a very narrow definition of what is beautiful. Essentially, the speaker in this poem is pointing out that love poetry does the same thing. It makes women into goddesses, not real human beings. He insists that his idea of beautiful femininity doesn't depend on fitting an abstract, unrealistic fantasy. Essay on theme of love in Sonnet 130 First of all I will be talking about William Shakespere’s Sonnet 130. Now this poem has a rather odd element to the other poems. Some may say this is romantic but others...
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...Sydney Roberts Mrs. Williams English IV- 1 10 November 2011 Beauty Within Throughout history, emotions, and events have been reflected in the arts. No matter the time period artists have used their works to convey a meaning to the audience. The arts are used to communicate feelings in a way that impacts the viewer. Literature, music, and artwork are all genres that artists use to express their feelings and thoughts. Beauty is often used as a theme in each of these genres. Beauty can be illustrated in many different ways, and not everyone sees beauty the same way. Poets use their works to express a mental state. By using specific literary elements and words the reader can determine what they are feeling. Musicians use musical notes and beats as well as words, which allow them to express themselves. Artists use visual elements to represent a particular theme or emotion. Although all of these genres are different, they each contain a message and a theme. Beauty as a theme can be found in the eighteenth century poem “She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron, in the twentieth century song “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World” by Prince, and in the fifteenth century painting The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. Lord Byron is famous for his works in literature, especially his poetry. His journey to fame was full of obstacles. “Byron was born in London to a poor but noble family” (“Prepare to Read”). He used his writing as a way to express his feelings. At first his works were not accepted...
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...article in my life. I need to pay attention to understand the writer's idea and try my best to find the main idea, main sentence and supporting sentence. Obviously, there are many misunderstand words, but I learned to catch the information what I understand and guess the main idea. So that this essay influence me to learn new writing skills. For my prompt, I was happy to my instructor to give us a chance to visit historical place. I went to Massachusetts State House in weekend, I learn that if you want to write a good essay, you should open your eyes. That's can help you to accept new ideas and easy to absorb different opinions. At last, the Beauty essay make me learn that everything has different side based on different angles and values. In this essay, I tried to describe my opinion which is the beauty is not mean beautiful. The beauty is produced by cultures, value standards and customs. I am happy to take this course in my second semester, I believed I have new ideas about college writing. I will keep writing,...
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...Manila. Evoking the unhurried lifestyle of the Alabang community, The Bellevue Manila exudes an environment of easy elegance from its Asian-inspired lobby and reception area to its fine dining outlets and recreational facilities. Each of its 456 deluxe and suite rooms has been meticulously designed to provide guests a relaxing stay. This is matched by the staff’s inspired service, ensuring that the guest’s every need is met. Indeed, The Bellevue Manila gives businessmen and travelers a five-star destination experience like no other. Vivere A jewel in southern Metro Manila, Vivere Hotel in Alabang is a towering 31-storey five star deluxe hotel. Featuring 200 elegantly appointed rooms and suites each with interiors that reverberates the beauty of the local culture, the hotel provides business facilities and recreational amenities for both business and leisure travelers. Make the most out of your stay as we invite you to re-kindle your love for sumptuous home cooking as we prepare all the elements for a great get together with family & friends amidst the scenic view of Laguna de Bay and the Metropolis. Crimson Discover true elegance at the new Crimson Hotel Filinvest City, Manila. We will create for you an atmosphere of tranquility, subdued elegance and new expression of cosmopolitan life at its finest in the vibrant and green Filinvest City. Crimson Hotel Filinvest City, Manila, is your urban sanctuary housed in the most stunning tower complex ever to grace the metropolis...
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...What defines 'attractiveness'? What makes a person attractive to others? Looks and personality - these are the usual attributes which defines an attractive person. Most people have either looks or personality but not many people have both. I have a childhood friend called Julian Lee. He is very good looking and he has a heart of gold. He is quite a heartthrob. With raven black hair, long eyelashes, an aquiline nose and a strong jawline, it is hard not to be mesmerised by his good looks. As added bonuses, he has a towering frame and a gentle voice. As the captain of the school basketball team, his skin spots a golden tan from the hours of tireless training under the sun. He exudes a boyish charm which makes not only girls fall for him but also a favoured student among teachers. His looks aside, what makes Julian highly attractive is the fact that he has a superb personality. Julian is very kind and helpful. Whenever the teachers need help, he will be the first to render his assistance. When there are school events, he will also be the first to volunteer his services. There was a time when there were a few younger boys torturing a hapless cat. They were tying its paws with rubber bands. Julian immediately went forward and stopped the boys. Frightened by his stern persona, the boys stopped what they were doing at once and ran away quickly. On another occasion, there was a group of students who were bullying another student. Even though the boys were older than Julian, he went...
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...Harsh Judgements in Society In the article, “More Than A Body? Prove It.” the two authors of the piece were working on getting their PhD’s. Some people may think that will affect the way people view or read the article but knowing that had no affect on me. They used good examples and were direct with getting to the point and purpose. While reading this article it made me more aware that girls and women are really allowing media to influence their lives. I always knew that media had a very big impact on girls at young ages but I was never aware of how much the media in today’s society really has an affect on women of all ages. The purpose of this article was mainly to make everyone aware of the things they learned while working on the campaign. It is so common to have girls feel insecure about the way they look but now a days it is getting to be a little extreme. The media has such an effect on the way girls and women view themselves. The effects that the media has on women today is mainly viewed as negative. One little article can make a woman feel so insecure about themselves. It is really sad to think that so many people are going out and getting all kinds of extreme surgeries just to look the way “they think they should”. No one can ever tell someone how they should or should not look. Everyone is different and each person should be embraced for the way they look. If everyone looked the way magazines say we should then we would live in a world with no diversity. One of the ...
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