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Police Arguments Against Homelessness

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It has become the new normal in the Portland area to see homeless people’s tents, tarps, and other methods of shelters littering the area. This is an issue and people here obviously need to live somewhere but the city of Portland especially is being trashed. I decided to look further into how other people view the situation. After speaking with three different police officers, I can come to the conclusion that police are anti homeless. They have little sympathy for the homeless population and I am left to assume this response from them is formed because police are people who deal with homeless daily and how some of them just don't want help. It should be mentioned some people want to change and there are programs to help them if they want too. …show more content…
I hope to find examples internationally of countries without a homeless population to reference to as a potential solution. I have also spoke with a family member that lives in Hong Kong and they are shocked when they return home to Portland as there is not the homeless problem in Hong Kong. After discussion with my family members, it is amazing the way Hong Kong combats the problem. The family members of the person who would be homeless are held accountable and responsible for family members. An example of this would be if they found a family member in a tent on the street, the mess would be cleaned up and brought all the belongings to your house, as the responsible family members. The way they have handed this problem has made it so within families everyone is held accountable because nobody wants to deal with a homeless in their house. I believe I will find some methods of rehabilitation that could solve the problem but ultimately it will trace back to money problems. I hope to investigate the extent of the homeless epidemic, its effect on cities' infrastructure, and how I can help solve the problem and eradicate

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