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Mulberry Research Paper

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Depending on the authority consulted, there are anywhere from 10 to 16 species of mulberry worldwide. Mulberry species, members of the genus Morus, hybridize freely, adding to the potential for confusion. Mulberry trees belong to the Moraceae family, commonly known as the mulberry or fig family.
Most mulberry species are native to the Asian subcontinent, but became naturalized in Europe and elsewhere centuries ago. White mulberry, M. alba, which is native to China, was introduced to America for silkworm culture in the early colonial times, after which it became naturalized in the environment. It also hybridized freely with the American native M. rubra (red mulberry) (Mulberry, n.d.).
Several species of mulberry are commonly grown in California, according to California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. These are Morus alba (white mulberry), Morus …show more content…
Box turtles and forest tortoises, for whom fruit is a part of the natural diet, should have no problem with a moderate amount of mulberry fruit. However, arid-region grazing tortoises such as desert tortoises (Gopherus species) should not be offered mulberry fruit due to its high sugar content.
Mulberry culture
The mulberry tree needs full sun in order to thrive. Being a deep-rooted tree, it will not grow well in shallow soils. Once established, it is somewhat drought-tolerant, but looks best with regular watering. The tree is relatively wind-resistant and tolerates pollution and a variety of soils.
White mulberry needs ample room to grow, as the upright form can reach a height of 15.24 meters (50 feet). It should not be planted near sidewalks, for reasons mentioned above.
Mulberry trees are reasonably pest– and disease–resistant, although they may develop canker disease and dieback. Minimal fertilizer is required by mulberries, and, in California, mulberries usually only require nitrogen (Mulberry, n.d.).

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