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Insight Inventory Analysis: Strength-Based Personality Assessment

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Insight Inventory Analysis is a valuable strength based personality assessment tool that evaluated my behavioral styles. The final results provided me with a better understanding on how I conduct myself in different circumstances and how to communicate more effectively with my peers. These behavioral preferences are centered on four traits that include assertiveness and influence, how I respond and relate to others, the pace of my decision making and how I take action, and how I organize and handle details. The overview of my work and personal style scores on all four traits were consistent, suggesting that I behave equally in most situations. My behavioral preference for influencing others, expressing my opinions and asserting myself in both my work and personal style is very indirect. I generally prefer to steer clear of conflict when necessary and present my thoughts and ideas in a way that is acceptable to others. I typically find that when I want to persuade others and present my thoughts, concerns and ideas, I utilize a more encouraging, approachable style and believe that collaborative efforts that include my fellow peers is the best approach and it leads to a more committed staff. …show more content…
I am very determined to get things done and I take my time and weigh all the options before making a final decision. It is important for me to gather all the information I need and synthesize the material and collaborate with my fellow peers before making a decision. However, because of the time is takes me to consider things, some tend to not understand where I stand or lose interest. When a deadline is fast approaching, I start to become stressed and anxious even if I am on task and prepared because I am a perfectionist and want to ensure that the decision I make is the right one and will solve the issue at

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