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Policy Analysis- Mandatory Vaccines


Submitted By sallychoi93
Words 2388
Pages 10
TO: President Barack Obama
FROM: Sally Choi
RE: Vaccine Mandates Regulation
DATE: April 22nd , 2015

Problem Statement:
What actions or measures can President Barack Obama take in order to balance the need to protect the public’s health in addressing concerns of citizens who may object to mandatory immunization requirements?

In the United States, virtually every state has enacted legislation in which they mandate some level of compulsory vaccinations for its citizens. In order for a child to attend public schools, they must receive all required vaccinations. Throughout history, many have disagreed and opposed vaccinations for various reasons. Many of the citizens do not believe that vaccines mandates to be constitutional. Also, many do not believe the state legislatures have the power to require everyone to receive certain vaccinations and view the authority as a violation of their constitutional rights. Recently, there has been an increase in people who are against to vaccinations as a possible factor to Autism in children. Also, religious beliefs play a role in opposing vaccinations for themselves and their children. These have built anger and opposition to the states mandates of some vaccinations.
In 1813, United States Vaccine Agency was established. “The U.S. Congress authorized and James Madison signed ‘An Act to Encourage Vaccination,’ establishing a National Vaccine Agency” (History of Vaccines RSS). This Act was the first push by the United States for citizens to get vaccinated. In 1855, Massachusetts was the first state that passed a law for vaccinations for all children that is attending school (History of Vaccines RSS). Passing laws for vaccinations brought more dispute and oppositions to vaccines, as well as, oppositions to vaccine requirements. By 1922, many United States schools required smallpox vaccination before children

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