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Political Party Assignment


Submitted By ookurisuoo
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Week 3 Political Parties Assignment

This essay will discuss the Libertarian Party. Specifically it will cover what their beliefs are and reasons that a person might want to choose this party over the more popular Republican and Democrat parties.

Compared to other parties the Libertarian party generally believes in a much smaller government that has very little involvement in the lives of citizens. For example Libertarians believe that all people should be completely free and independent to choose their own food, work, entertainment and how to handle their own property without any involvement from the government. They also believe that businesses should also be free to offer their goods and services to the public without involvement from the government. Libertarians believe that the only purpose of the government is to defend the citizens of the United States. They also believe that most if not all taxes should be cut completely. The Libertarian party sees the current U.S. Government as being too large, powerful and expensive compared to what they believe it should be.

A person might be interested in joining the Libertarian party if they felt the government is too large, spends too much money, collects unfair amounts of taxes from the public or is too involved in people's lives or businesses. The Libertarian party is in favor of complete freedom and independence of the government so that people are in charge of running their own lives and businesses. The only purpose of the government should be defense. The Libertarian view offers a much more free and independent society than what the Republican and Democrat parties offer.

Source: Visited: 7/22/2014

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