...Poverty and Pollution Case Study Cabutao, Sao Paulo, Brazil, was formed in 1948. Now a city of over 100 thousand peo-ple, it is one of the largest banana producers and has the largest industrial production. They have one of the largest petroleum refineries in the country producing oil, plastic, propane and butane gas as well as many others in addition; they have two hydroelectric facilities that once produced high levels of pollutants. The state is the most developed region in the country and accounts for about one-fifth of its population. (2012) In the 1950’s the industrial revolution began in Cubatao. Many companies were attracted to the area and began building industrial plants. Eventually 24 industries including oil refineries, steel producers and fertilizer companies made this a place to run their business. In the 1960’s there was no laws to regulate pollutants into the air or water. The proximity of Cabuto didn’t allow the pollution to evaporate into the air, due to the surrounding mountains and winter inversions, the pollution was trapped in the valley causing toxic poisonous gasses to be part of the soil and breathed by the population. It was a wonderful time, as the business was booming and people were making money. In the meantime as people were getting rich, the pollutants were being absorbed into the ground, the forests were becoming less dense, therefore causing landslides due to no trees. Thirty years later, the effects of all the polluting became...
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...1.1. Laonduse ajaloost Laondus kui äraelamiseks vajaliku toiduvaru säilitamine on tõenäoliselt sama vana kui inimkond. Ajaloost on teada, et juba kümneid tuhandeid aastaid tagasi kogusid inimeste eelkäi- jad neandertallased koopaelanikena toiduvarusid. Koriluse ajal, kui elatuti peamiselt jahisaagist, metsamarjadest ja taimejuurtest, hoiti toidutagavarasid maasse kaevatud panipaikades. Tänapäeva mõistes laonduse ja varude säilitamise juured ongi saanud alguse vajadusest säilitada söödavat, et elada üle periood, mil peale jahiloomade polnud võimalik loodusest midagi juurde hankida. Tuhandeid aastaid tagasi võeti sõjakäikudele kaasa toiduvarusid, milleks oli peamiselt tera- vili. Kuna kümned tuhanded sõdalased vajasid äraelamiseks ja võitlusvõime säilitamiseks suurtes kogustes toitu, tuli hankida söödavat vallutusretkedel pidevalt juurde. Kandeloomade seljas ja vankritel veeti sadu tonne söögikraami. Sõdurid pidid kandma endaga kaasas kolme-nelja päeva toiduvaru. Makedoonia Aleksander liikus oma vallutusretkedel peamiselt jõgede ja mere läheduses, vedades laevadel sõjaväe toitmiseks vajalikku kuu viljavaru. Tolleaegsete meresõiduvahendite ja moonavooride puhul oli tegemist omamoodi suurte liikuvate ladudega. Ajaloost on teada, et vanad Rooma, Kreeka ja Egiptuse ülikud lasid koguda ja säilitada võimalike näljahädade ärahoidmiseks suuri viljatagavarasid. Feodaalide ladudeks olid tol ajal peamiselt viljaaidad. Põllumajandussaaduste laod täitsid juba tol kaugel ajal olulist sotsiaalset...
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... Like this we can understand that the purpose is the cause for the design .and the judgment step for a design. Aircraft Regulations: Another important factor that influences the design of the aircraft are the regulations putforward by thnational authorities, Airports also impose limits on the aircraft,for example the maximum sping span allowed allowed for a conventional aircraft is 80m to prevent collisons between aircrafts while travelling. Financial factors and market: (1)Budget limitation (2)market reqirments (3)competitions Environmental factors: An increase in the number of aircraft has lead to greater carbon emission. Environmental scientists have raised concern over the kinds of pollution linked with aircraft, mainly noise pollu and emissions. Aircraft engines have been known for creating noise pollution and the expansion of airways have been polluted citiesdave lead to heariticism, making it necessary to have environmental policies for aircraft noise. Noise also occur from the airframe, where the airflow directions are changed. Improved noise regulations have made designers to create developed engines and airframes. Emissions from aircraft include (CO2), SO2), (CO), various oxides and peroxides. to control aircraft emissions. Newer, environment friendly fuels have been developed and the usage of recyclable materials in manufacturing have helped reduce the ecological impact due to aircraft. Environmental limitations also affect airfield compatibility. Airports...
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...kCHAPTER 6 Cost-Benefit Analysis and Government Investments TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. A cost-effective program mix is one that accomplishes a given mission at minimum cost. 2. Cost-benefit analysis is a technique for determining the net benefits of alternative government projects. F 3. An increase in the profits of gasoline dealers on an improved road is a benefit of the road project. F 4. If increases in agricultural land values are viewed as a benefit of an irrigation project, then the market value of projected increased crops should also be included as a benefit of the project. 5. The social rate of discount must equal the opportunity cost of funds used to finance a project. F 6. If a project has a B/C ratio of 0.9, its approval will result in net benefits to citizens of the nation. F 7. The benefits of widening a road consist only of the cost savings to existing users of the road. 8. If the benefits of a new bridge exceed the costs, then there will be a net social gain from building the bridge. F 9. If the marginal social cost of a new road exceeds its marginal social benefit, then building the road will result in a net social gain. F 10. The higher the social rate of discount, the more government projects for which benefits will exceed costs. T 11. A lower discount rate favors more capital-intensive investments that yield net benefits further into the future. 12. The present value of a stream of net benefits for 20 years will be less than the sum of those benefits...
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...Coca-Cola in India Coca-Cola is a brand name known throughout the entire world. It covers 60 percent of the $1.6 billion soft drink market. In 2006–2007, Coca-Cola faced some difficult challenges in the region of Kerala, India. The company was accused of using water that contained pesticides in its bottling plants in Kerala. An environmental group, the Center for Science and Environment (CSE), found 57 bottles of Coke and Pepsi products from 12 Indian states that contained unsafe levels of pesticides. The Kerala minister of health, Karnataka R. Ashok, imposed a ban on the manufacture and sale of Coca-Cola products in the region. Coca-Cola then arranged to have its drinks tested in a British lab, and the report found that the amount of pesticides found in Pepsi and Coca-Cola drinks was harmless to the body. Coca-Cola then ran numerous ads to regain consumers’ confidence in its products and brand. However, these efforts did not satisfy the environmental groups or the minister of health. India’s Changing Marketplace During the 1960s and 1970s, India’s economy faced many challenges, growing only an average of 3–3.5 percent per year. Numerous obstacles hindered foreign companies from investing in India, and many restrictions on eco-nomic activity caused huge difficulties for Indian firms and a lack of interest among foreign investors. For many years the government had problems with implementing reform and overcoming bureaucratic and political divi-sions. Business...
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...Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts School of Art & Design BA Design Management, International BACHELOR THESIS SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING Sustainable packaging A comprehensive approach towards sustainable packaging with a focus on primary packaging of food and drinks Lucerne, May 2010 CLAUDIO BECKER | BA DESIGN MANAGEMENT, INTERNATIONAL Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts School of Art & Design BA Design Management, International BACHELOR THESIS SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING DESIGN MANAGEMENT ENABLES COMPANIES TO DEVELOP NEW BUSINESS DIMENSIONS THAT DRIVE A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING Lucerne, May 2010 Tutor EMETM Daniel Aeschbacher, Tutor and Faculty Member, Design Management, International Claudio Becker Baselstrasse 47, CH - 6003 Luzern Cell-phone: 0041 78 659 59 36 E-mail: info@claudio-becker.ch CLAUDIO BECKER | BA DESIGN MANAGEMENT, INTERNATIONAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Reference to design management 3. State of the Art 3.1 The context 3.2 Introduction to packaging 3.2.1 The fundamentals of packaging 3.2.2 The packaging design process 3.3 Sustainable packaging 3.3.1 What is sustainability? 3.3.2 What is sustainable packaging? 3.3.3 Materials 3.3.4 Barriers & drivers 3.4 Practise examples 3.4.1 Company overview 3.4.2 Comparison 4. Analysis / Synthesis 4.1 Insights 4.2 Sustainable packaging criteria 4.3 Recommendations 4.4 Conclusion Bibliography Books Reports...
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