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Pollution In Darwin Research Paper

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Pollution in Darwin
Pollution in Darwin is very low. From air pollution to garbage pollution it's overall very low. Because of this occupants of Darwin are allowed to drink from rivers and streams because the pollution of water is 21.67 which is low and therefore gives a small chance of an occupant getting sick or dieing from the water. Air pollution is also very low (10.53) which is a good sign so that it doesn't affect rain water pollution which most likely lands in streams or rivers. "They have a good policy document, they have an environmental management strategy, they have a lot of regulation from the national and Territory government," a scientist said
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This is disgraceful.Plus dozens of stormwater drains dump pollutants into the Harbour, such as dog fertilizers from lawns and golf courses, human and animal waste, and litter.This unacceptable pollution puts risks our beautiful harbour and the marine wildlife that live there, the health of …show more content…
This is five times the national rate and almost four times the second highest state, Western Australia, which had a homicide rate of 1.4 per 100,000.” ( As you can see there is lots of crime in darwin, it's the crime capital of Australia! Scientists researched the homicide level was “5.5 per 100,000 people. This is five times the national rate and almost four times the second highest state, Western Australia, which had a homicide rate of 1.4 per 100,000.” ( The highest form of crime in Darwin is vandalism or theft (70.69). Darwin has lots of perks but a downside is that it's NOT safe at all to walk in the streets at night in darwin because there is a high chance of kidnapping, murder . robbery, or even theft. Darwin does have lots of murders and drinking. Its making its way up to the top of australia's most illegal drinking chart. “It's been less than a year since the new laws gave police the power to arrest and detain people for minor offences such as drinking in public, swearing or making too much noise.” ( Australia has changed lots and now they are way more strict with things like drinking and things like that. Did you know that you can get arrested for making to much noise and cursing? Australias new laws are very up scale and very strict. “In May this year an Indigenous man died in the Darwin watch house

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