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Iraq Synthesis Essay

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Iraq is the fourth leading oil producer in the world. It Produces 4,452,000 barrels per day. Iraq’s oil has been overall a curse for Iraq. This is true because of wars caused by War over oil, mismanagement and neglect caused by oil, climate change that ravaged the country, and erratic prices of oil which curtal’s development. I believe the claim that mismanagement being a human problem not an oil problem, to be silly.
Like the Iraqi invasion of kuwait. In this war, Iraqis claimed that kuwait was pumping out their oil via slanted pipeline and invaded kuwait. The United states led a coalition formed against iraq to stop this invasion. Coalition Forces retook kuwait from the Iraqis who were committing war crimes against the local population and burning oil pumps as they retreated. US airstrikes were very devastating to Iraqi infrastructures. Many trucks and supplies were lost on the highway of death, which was a highway where many Iraqis retreated on. The Air Force attacked the highway causing many Iraqis to desert their trucks. The Army wanted to cripple their country in every way including their economy. This would make the country more susceptible …show more content…
In 2014 50,000 name where found on the ministry of defence payroll. Even how many don’t show up for work. 60%-70% of iraq’s budget goes to state wages. There is barely any money left for infrastructure and education. You would think that iraq has power covered, after it is a major producer of oil but no, because it iraq’s government controlled oil companies did not invest in the right oil technology the much of the fuel is burned off. Iraq actually imports gas from iran! 4 billion dollar worth! Iraqi prime ministers promise to end corruption but it was clearly fail every time. Iraqi prime ministers have pay many politicians to vote for them saving up money for the country. The politics don't care about the people all they care about is the oil that gets them

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