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Ischemic Stroke Research Paper

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Stroke is the “second most common cause of death worldwide”. There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures causing loss of circulation to the brain. An ischemic stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is obstructed by a clot in an artery in the brain. 82% - 92% of strokes are ischemic in nature. One article describes an ischemic stroke “as the brain’s equivalent to a heart attack”, since both have the same risk factors such as “hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity”, smoking excessive alcohol use, and physical inactivity. Other medical conditions that increase the risk for a stroke “include atrial fibrillation, valve disease, and heart failure”. Blood clots in vessels supplying the anterior brain account for 80% - 90% of ischemic strokes. The other 10% - 20% may be attributed to …show more content…
I was hoping to be able to find more information on the cause and aftercare treatment, but this article caught my attention. My grandmother doesn’t have diabetes, so I imagine that may be one reason she is still here; however, my husband and his mother do have diabetes and when I came across this article, I decided to see what differences arose. To say the least, I was a little shocked by the outcome. I know diabetes has negative health benefits in general, but I never would have imagined the difference between genders. As for the publication itself, I believe it is well written and easy to understand. I like the fact that the authors included the different outcomes of similar studies and explained the reason. I also really like that the authors realize and state the limitations of their study. On the other hand, I would have like to see the statistical differences between types of diabetes. There is no mention of how many men and women had type I diabetes versus type II

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