...necessarily all true. Yes punk rock is loud and it may offend people, but it does have a purpose and conveys its own meaning. Punk formed and developed as a reaction against oppressive figures of authority and as a musical and social outlet for teens that strayed away from the mainstream. Punk rock music has an extensive history. “While punk’s anti-authoritarian and rebellious imagery has its antecedents in both the 50s and 60s, the music itself was very much a product of its environment and decade - the 70s” (encyclopedia). The attitude of punk has been around almost twenty years before the music and the music was able to communicate the messages of athese rebellious teenagers. The roots of punk are disputed constantly. Some believe it started in U.K., while others claim it started in New York City. Regardless of where punk started it still has the same foundation anywhere in the world. John Savage brilliantly explains this concept of punk in Pre-Punk Rock: Strakhov 2 In fact, what became known as Punk during 1975 and 1976 had been floating around in various different guises in several cities during the previous few years: New York, Cleveland, Paris, and London to name but four. It was an international sense of boredom with the prevailing culture that saw misfits of all hues go back to maudit, maladjusted noise and try it on for size. Throw it at the wall, fuck you all: life stinks, it's shit, I don't care, oh woah oh. (Savage) People,...
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...Mass Communication The Effect of the Mass Media on Bahamian Culture My definition of culture is the thing that defines a community, it sets the community apart from any other, it is the peoples way of life, their language, beliefs, the way they dress, the products the create etc.. The culture of a community is important because it shapes the community and the individuals within it. During the group discussion on the impact of the mass media on Bahamian culture all members agreed that the culture of the Bahamas is a very important aspect of life here in the Bahamas. However, the mass media has now not only just affected how we live our lives but it has also pushed us away from our culture. One member even went as far as to say certain aspects of our culture will probably become extinct if within the next 50 years if something is not done. During the discussion a number of cultural issues due to the mass media were brought up. One of the main issues mentioned was the way we dress. The way we dress is influenced by many cultures but what seems to have the most influence is the American culture. We seem to prefer to wear the type of clothing we see advertised on the television. Zephaniah Rolle, the only male member of the group hinted that our culture is one that has been affected by branding, “We also wear brands such as Nike instead of wearing traditional Bahamian dress.” Branding as we all know is a big deal in the media industry a large focus is put on advertising and as a...
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...social problems should be considered with the help of the strong pieces of evidence. There are small and large social problems and in this paper one of the largest ones will be addressed. Problem The topic of my proposal is the joining of generations in all its aspects. To put it in other words, this paper will suggest a program of the solution of a social problem of lack of understanding and a huge gap that exists between the older adults and children. The problem has always been important in the human society, and nowadays it acquires special significance due to the outside factors that influence the thinking of both social groups more frequently. Among these factors, the following ones can be singled out as the modern culture affecting children and changing their views and values; proper upbringing that keeps the older adults people from adjusting to the modern values; and the time and world outlook gape which prevents both generations from understanding each other. As can be clearly seen, there is a need to consider all these factors in order to understand the problem and...
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...Assignment #1: Male/ Female Socialization Name: Patrius Kerr, Keneel Marshall, Zilpah Joyette, Chrisla Phillips, Varina James, Jozel Morgan Lecturer: Frances Williams Date: 19th October, 2014 MALE AND FEMALE SOCIALIZATION | | | | INTRODUCTION In society, they expect different attitudes and behaviors from males and females. Socialization is the process whereby individuals learn about the culture of their society (Mustapha, Nasser, 2009); this process occurs from the moment individuals are born and continues throughout adult life. Sex refers to the biological characteristics with which we are born. Gender identity, usually learned in early childhood, refers to one’s perception of him or her as either masculine or feminine. Gender socialization is the tendency for boys and girls to be socialized differently. Boys are raised to conform to the male gender role, and girls are raised to conform to the female gender role. A gender role is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and personality characteristics expected and encouraged of a person based on his or her sex. There are many factors in which male and female socialization are influenced...
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...ST GREGORY THE GREAT PROVINCIAL MAJOR SEMINARY NAME: SETH FRIMPONG COURSE: DIVERSITY OF PEOPLE AND CULTURES TOPIC: SOCIALIZATION 1.0 Definition / Scope Sociologists, Social Psychologists, anthropologists, as well as Educationalists and Politicians use the word “Socialization” in reference to the process through which an individual inherits the norms, customs and ideologies of the social order they live in. Socialization is necessary for making an individual capable of interacting within the society and a society itself shares the common values, customs, norms, traditions languages etc. Socialization is the process whereby the helpless infant gradually becomes a self-aware, knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which she or he is born. Socialization is not a kind of ‘cultural programming’, in which the child absorbs passively the influences with which he or she comes into contact. Socialization is a lifelong process by which one keep learning and developing oneself as a human being. Socialization process is very important as it teaches one to behave in a society. Without socialization, one would not be able to learn the accepted customs, norms, symbols, languages and behaviours. Socialization helps one develop and shape one’s place by learning social skills. Socialization in a layman’s sense is the process of learning from others. This learning process starts right after birth or after the emergence from the womb. It is Socialization...
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...As a teenager I worshipped pop singer Brittany Spears. I wish I looked and danced just like her. I even believed that I could sing like her, after a few times of being humiliated by my classmates and family members that did not like how I lived my life based on everything Brittany Spears. Since then I have learned to love myself as I am and not as Brittany Spears. Hollywood has caused celebrities to look a certain way for them to be successful, women may feel unworthy because they do not look a certain way. Women who are thin are regarded as beautiful, and those who are overweight are regarded as...
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... In the below summary, I have outlined briefly how the media has changed the lives of the young generation: The article basically outlines the social, economic and cultural changes that have come about due to digitization. The media is so much engrossed in our lives that it would be impossible for our young generation to survive in its absence. The internet, video and television dictate the morals, cultures and characters the young pick up as they grow up. There are some economic aspects of change brought about by the digital age. In today’s era, Children seem to be staying younger longer. This creates financial dependence which is worsened by the stagnating youth labor market and consequently leading to delayed entrance into adulthood. In addition, there has been tremendous rise in the spending power. The main concern here is not only on the money young people spend but their influence on family decision concerning expenditure and how they might be incorporated into consumer life. The spending power has significantly increased since the 1960s among teens while children between 4 and 12 years influencing the spending in their households (Muller, 2010). The spending habits among the young are also influenced by their different tastes as some may prefer Facebook to...
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...INDEX Contents | Page Number | * Executive Summary * Problem Definition * Case Issue * Industry Analysis * Environmental Trends * Macro Factors * Competition and Competitors * Industry Trends * Customer Analysis * SWOT Analysis * Recommendations * Implementation Plan | 2334557881011 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: History: The company was started in 1783 in London as the world’s first soft drink maker. In 1880s Schweppes expanded worldwide and in 1960s the company diversified into food products. In 1969 Schweppes merged with Cadbury which was a cocoa making business started in England in the 1830s. Year | Acquisition | 1986 | Canada Dry soft drink brands | 1989 | Certain soft drink brands and purchased Gini brand of Belgium. | 1989 | Crush brand from Procter & Gamble for $220 million. | Cadbury Beverages, Inc., a beverage division of Cadbury Schweppes PLC acquired the Procter & Gamble brands namely Crush, Hires and Sun-drop in the year 1989. They had to re launch those brands into the market because those products were paced out by their competitors. This case especially deals with the Crush brand(an orange drink). Kim Feil who joined the division in 1989 as a Senior Product Manager for managing the re launch of Crush soft drink brand. There had been a lot of discussions regarding the crush brand. After making a thorough industry review, competitors positioning and the image which Crush has on its customers mind the senior marketing...
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...American Pop: Popular Culture Decade by Decade. Ed. Bob Bacthelor. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 2009. 978-0-313- 34410-7. 4 vol. 1,604p. $375.00. Gr. 9-12. This four volume set gives students a broad and interdisciplinary overview of the many and varied aspects of pop culture across America from 1900 to the present. The volumes cover the following chronological periods: V 1. 1900-1929, V 2. 1930-1959, V 3. 1960-1989 and Vol. 4. 1990-Present. There is an Introduction for each volume focusing on the major issues during that period. There is a Timeline of events for the decade which gives extra oversight and content to the study of the period and an Overview of each dcade. Chapters focus on specific areas of pop culture (Advertising, Books, Entertainment, Fashion, Food Music and much more) supplemented with sidebars containing stories, photos, illustrations and Notable information. There are endnotes for each decade and a Resource Guide and Index. Volume 4 also contains a Cost of Products from 1900-2000, and an Appendix with Classroom Resources for teachers and students and a Cumulative Index. Students, teachers and the general reader will love sifting through the experiences of Americans as they easily follow the crazes, technological breakthroughs and the experiences of art, entertainment, sports and other cultural forces and events that influenced each generation. Reference– Popular Culture ...
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...Makenna Ogg Ms. Markman English Composition 18 March 2015 The Affects Divorce Has on Children “But in the real world, you couldn’t really just split a family down the middle, mom on one side, dad the other, with the child equally divided between. It was like when you ripped a piece of paper into two: no matter how you tried, the seams never fit exactly right again. It was what you couldn't see, those tiniest of pieces, that were lost in the severing, and their absence kept everything from being complete.” - Sarah Dessen Throughout the United States divorce has increasingly risen in the past years. “In 2000, 49% of US marriages ended in divorce” (Gianoulis). Children everywhere are becoming the products of broken families; caught in between a mommy and daddy, when before, there was no choice. Before, all there was was comfort, familiarity and stability. Although divorce may seem like the best option in an unhappy situation, the affects on the children’s emotional state can be harmful. These effects are emotionally, psychological, academically, socially, and economically damaging. To begin, in a study by Laumann-Billings and Emery they found that children of divorce suffer emotionally. This allows for new generations of broken families to be made. The saying “the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree” would apply. In the article, Divorce by Brackett and Woolly, the authors say approximately 400,000 of the estimated million cases of divorce a year result in children...
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...Running head: THE EFFECTS OF MEDIA IN SOCIALIZATION The Effects of Media in the Socialization of Children and Young Adults The Effects of Media in the Socialization of Children and Young Adults The media today are a powerful tool in modifying the behavior of children and young adults. This behavior can be seen as negative or positive depending on the situation. Children’s development is influenced by many factors but as Lund (2003) noted the significance of the mass media cannot be overstated: “The accumulated experience of media exposure contributes to the cultivation of a child’s values, beliefs, dreams, and expectations, which shape the adult identity a child will carry and modify through his or her life.” Studies investigating Social Learning Theory, done by Baker (2007, p.26) have consistently reported that children can model roles and behaviors seen on television. Media play a significant role in the socialization process, body image, and moral judgments in children and adolescents. Cartoons on television are some of the first factors of socialization in a child’s life. Although many adults feel that cartoons are obviously fantastical, unrealistic, and therefore harmless to children, the research evidence proves otherwise. “According to developmental literature, children before the age of ten years often have difficulty differentiating between reality and fantasy”(Baker...
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...U06a1 – Integrated Global Marketing Case Study The Coca-Cola Company Terry D. Copeland Capella University MBA 6012 June 28, 2013 Company Selection and Overview The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola) was first established in 1886 by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia. Initially distributed at Jacobs’ Pharmacy for five cents a glass, the fledgling company sold just nine glasses of Coca-Cola a day for the first year (Coca-Cola, 2013). By 1891, Atlanta businessman Asa Candler, a prolific salesman, acquired the rights to the business for $2300; and as the company’s first president, his vision to transform Coca-Cola from an invention into a national brand was set in motion. He immediately recognized the potential of the new company and began to implement the marketing strategy that propelled Coca-Cola to its current standing as the world’s leading manufacturer in the beverage industry producing over 500 brands in over 200 countries with an estimated 1.8 billion servings consumed per day all over the world (Coca-Cola, 2013). Candler initially gave away coupons for complimentary first tastes, and outfitted distributing pharmacies with clocks, urns, calendars, and apothecary scales bearing the same red and white Coca-Cola script brand that remains as the world’s number one brand to this day (Coca-Cola, 2013). People saw the Coca-Cola brand everywhere, and by 1895, Candler had built syrup plants in Chicago, Dallas...
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...Develop a case study of the after-life of an ‘obsolete’ music format Vinyl Records Music is delivered to its audience through various formats. Each format has its period of dominance and then with the natural process of technology evolving, the once considered latest and greatest music format is often seen as obsolete. The vinyl record in today’s society is viewed as an obsolete music format. However due to new trends and nostalgia it is slowing resurfacing from its after-life. This essay discuses the vinyl record, its history and its current role in consumer lives through a socio-cultural approach. The vinyl record was first introduced in 1930 by RCA Victor. RCA is mostly commonly known as the Radio Corporation of America, which is the flagship label of Sony Music Entertainment. The production in 1930 was for the long-playing music record included the advantage of a lower surface noise and was a durable material. The first commercially produced record was 12 inches in its diameter with a playback of 33 revolutions per minute (rpm). A vinyl record, also commonly called records or gramophone record uses a spiral groove that runs from the outer edge of the disc to the center to record and play back sound. During playback the sound causes a stylus to vibrate at certain frequencies while it engraves the vinyl. When the needle is placed into the record's groove, it will vibrate at the same frequencies and re-create the sound that was recorded. Sound quality of music on...
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...S'pore youth savvy with finances: survey Daniel Buenas 392 words 8 September 2005 Business Times Singapore English (c) 2005 Singapore Press Holdings Limited SINGAPORE'S youth value education and family, have entrepreneurial tendencies and are not ignorant when it comes to financial choices, a survey has found. In the face-to-face survey of 1,400 Singaporeans aged 15-29 by Ngee Ann Polytechnic, it was found that 44 per cent had life insurance, and of those who did, a quarter had between two and four policies. Also, 28 per cent of the respondents had some form of medical or hospitalisation insurance, with 20 per cent of this group having between two and four policies. 'These figures were quite surprising,' said Henry Koh, a lecturer at Ngee Ann's School of Business and Accountancy, yesterday. 'A lot of these were students, yet the percentage of people (who have policies) is quite high. I think it shows some concern over financial security in the future and that they're more savvy in terms of insurance.' The survey, which aimed to give insights into Singapore's 'Generation Y', also found that 7 per cent of interviewees had invested in either unit trusts or mutual funds, with 22 per cent of this group having between 2-4 investments. The top three companies for both life and medical insurance were AIA, Prudential and NTUC Income. And being young hasn't stopped Singaporeans from owning credit cards either. According to the survey, 29 per cent of those interviewed...
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...Klamath County Community Health Western Governors University Klamath County has many health needs and is at risk for high mortality and morbidity. Heart disease is the leading cause of death followed by cancer and chronic respiratory disease. (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013). Smoking, obesity, and poor air quality are all contributing factors to these health risks. Also, as the general population continues to age pre-existing medical conditions, chronic health problems and weakened immune systems increase the areas aging population's susceptibility to influenza and pneumonia. However, only 57.8% of adults over 65 received an influenza vaccine in Klamath County (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013). And unfortunately access to healthcare remains woefully unsatisfactory in the County. Lastly, and most heartbreaking, is that the child abuse rates in Klamath County are among the highest in the state (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013), while conducting the County Health Survey these three critical areas of concern have become painfully evident. All three issues should be addressed according to the Health People 2020 goals that have been set forth to improve the health and well-being of all Americans (Healthy People 2020, n.d.). WINDSHIELD SURVEY Klamath County, Oregon, is the Southernmost County in the state, boarded by California to the South, the Fremont National Forest to the East, and by the Deschutes National Forest to the North and West. Klamath...
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