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Porfirio Diaz: The Cause Of The Mexican Revolution

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Porfirio Diaz : The cause of the Mexican Revolution

Jazmin Jimenez


The Mexican Revolution was a time of skirmishes among the Mexican people, and Porfirio Diaz was a huge reason for that. One of the main causes of the war was the separation of classes; Diaz favored the rich people over the poor, and this caused many people to be angry. Another reason people wanted Porfirio Diaz out of rule is that they held him responsible for the massacre of an entire Chihuahua village called the Tomochic. The last main cause was his denial to give up his presidency; he stayed in power for more than thirty years turning his presidency into a dictatorship. These are the reasons that Porfirio Diaz had the most …show more content…
I had to think to myself. I had to be the government myself.’’. That is what place Diaz into his future. After Diaz’s Military career, he went into politics. Porfirio Diaz was also in and out of office position; it was a step into what his future holds. In the time of Congress, one of his office positions, many of his co-workers and friends elected him as a presidential candidate. It was in April 1st, 1877, that Diaz first term as president began. In this term, Porfirio Diaz worked on Mexico’s relations with other countries. One of the countries that Diaz had a hard time with was the United States, they refused to accept Diaz authority of over the republic. The next thing Diaz tried to improve was the transportation system. This was a way to amend the economy and provide Mexico with the railroads; it would lead them into the modern times. The last thing Diaz wanted to complete was a rise in salaries. Even with the great things Diaz provided he wouldn’t let his name go for another term. It wasn’t until 1884 that Diaz would go for a second term, and this time Diaz was presented with many difficulties. During his time off presidency Mexico’s financial status struggled and he also had to deal with the conflicts between Mexico and Guatemala. Even though his first two terms seemed like he was doing what was best for the people he had become a dictator; as the power continued to

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