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Pos/355 Week 1


Submitted By SunnyFlorida
Words 566
Pages 3
Memory Management Requirements

The requirements that memory management is intended to satisfy are; relocation, protection, sharing, logical organization and physical organization. Main memory is vital component in a computer system, as both the operation system and some user application have to be loaded into main memory before they can be executed. I will describe each requirement is a bit more detail.

The first requirement in memory management is relocation. Relocation is essentially relocating the process to a different area of memory. Often it is impossible for a programmer to know in advance which other programs will be resident in main memory at the time of execution of their program, therefore, in an effort to maximize processor utilization, we like to be able to swap active processes in and out of main memory.

The next requirement in memory management is protection. The purpose of protection is to protect each process against unwanted interference by other processes, whether they are unintentional or deliberate. Since, the location of a program in main memory is unpredictable, it is impossible to check absolute address at compile time to assure protection. Furthermore, most programming languages allow the dynamic calculation of addresses at run time. Therefore, all memory references generated by a process must be checked at run time to ensure that they refer only to the memory space allocated to that process.

Any protection mechanism must have the flexibility to allow several processes to access the same portion of main memory. For example, if a number of processes are executing the same program it is advantageous to allow each process to access the same copy of the program rather than have its own separate copy. Processes that are cooperating on some task may need to share access to the same data structure.

Then next requirement in memory

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