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Positive Affirmation Research Paper

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Being confident in life not only enhances your personality, but makes sure you don't lose opportunities because of hesitation. Enough confidence in you can be the difference between success and failure. When you are striking a new business deal, giving an interview or asking someone on a date, you need to be confident.

The key to being more confident is how other people perceive you on the basis of your own self-perception. Basically, this means if you consider yourself to be capable and energetic, it will be reflected in your thoughts and actions. Thus, other people will also see you the same.

Although there are many factors beyond control, there are still certain things you can turn in your favor to make yourself more confident. In this …show more content…
Positive affirmations are simple sentences, which you can use to explain how you want to feel in life, what situations and circumstances you consider perfect, and other such expectations. You need to say positive affirmations out loud in a way that affirms what you're saying is true.

According to psychologists, positive affirmations help you build more confidence in life. With positive affirmations, you can change the way you feel about your personality, nature and characteristics. In addition to this, positive affirmations can change your basic perception about various circumstances surrounding yourself. It's worth mentioning that positive affirmations can lead you on a path toward success and achieving your goals. You can use positive affirmations like:

I'm Feeling Confident.

I Can Become More …show more content…
However, when you step outside the comfort zone, you're able to gain more exposure. When you stay within it, you start shrinking. You need to avoid getting trapped into the confines of your comfort zone, and constantly push yourself to do different things. This helps you become more confident.


Meditation not only keeps you calm, but also helps you with composure. When you're calm and relaxed, you start making good decisions. This has a major impact on your confidence. Meditation also allows you to gain some insight about your personality, and mould yourself accordingly to overcome anxiety and shyness.

Practice Confidence

Just like everything else in your life, even confidence improves with regular practice. When you meet new people, it's a great opportunity to build confidence. When you shake someone's hand for the first time, you should introduce yourself, watch the other person's tone and learn more about his or her personality. Since a new person doesn't know anything about you, it's an opportunity to show the person your confident

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