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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Case Study

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Florida is one of the largest veteran-populated states in the USA. It has been reported that lots of military returning from past conflicts used to have an alcohol abuse. Substance misuse is linked with posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, and other mental disabilities that can appear after strenuous and shocking events such as those connected with war. Often, drinking strong drinks may serve as a coping mechanism after stressful events; it is strongly possible that deployment can be related to high rates of consuming alcohol or alcoholism. In order to ensure accurate treatment for veterans, further I will state some researches about what psychic problems and why appear in their lives, what population is at risk to become substance dependent, what exact nursing care and interventions should be done for them and finally, what professional competence is needed. …show more content…
To fix this problem, it is necessary: firstly, to define whether military deployment is connected to new start or changes in alcohol abuse, booze drinking behavior, and other alcohol-linked issues; secondly, to evaluate the prevalence and hazardous factors for overall psychic disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder diagnostics, and thirdly, to compare the prevalence of melancholia, PTSD symptoms and suicidal thoughts in regular and reserve military staff who was deployed to Iraq or other countries with unstable political situation.

At risk

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