Premium Essay

Power Imbalance


Submitted By realdilg
Words 523
Pages 3

How do you deal with a situation where there is an imbalance of power? If you are the weaker party, what could you do?

Types of Power: identified several types of power: position, knowledge/expertise, character, rewards, punishment, gender, powerlessness, charisma, and lack of interest.

Power and Influence:

Lewicki made the distinction between power and influence: “power is the potential to alter others attitudes and behaviours, influence consists of actual messages and tactics an individual undertakes in order to change the attitudes and/or behaviours of others”. Power is potential influence. Influence is the current usage of power.

Sources of Power:

Dobrijevic identified a comprehensive list of 16 sources of power: need, alternatives/options, time/deadline, relationships, investment, credibility, information/knowledge, skills, elegant solutions, legitimacy, commitment, authority, coalitions, intangible factors, material resources, and perception.

General Strategies in a Power Imbalance:

In a power imbalance, the following strategies may seek to improve the outcome of a negotiation:
Employ a mediator. (Page, N)
Find ways to improve your BATNA. (Cohen, P)
Create value. (Cohen, P)
Reduce the other side’s real/perceived power.
Use integrative bargaining. Shift focus to interests and not positions. invent options, find common ground, expand the pie.
Increase your own real/perceived power.
Make concessions of lesser importance for items of higher importance.
Determine the self interests of negotiating members of the other party (Voyles, R)
Make use of reciprocity.
Assume control of a resource such as money, human capital, time, equipment, critical services (Lewicki, R).

Specific Types of Power Imbalance

When suffering from a power

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