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Prcocess Recording


Submitted By aliage7783
Words 434
Pages 2
Process Recording Nurse (Me) | Client (T.J)) | Analysis | “Hi, I’m Jenny, (gesturing, I put my hand out to shake his hand) one of the nursing students here with you guys today. What is your name?”(Friendly, open eye contact is my appearance) | “My name is Abu-Jammar”. I’m from outer space the planet ??Nepto (I think this was the neologism that he used. ? Neptune/Pluto mixed?).I’m gonna call you Mars. | Communitication Technique: Nonverbal/paralanguage (smiling) open-ended communication. Evaluation: broad opening allows him to either talk to me or not talk to me. Putting my hand out is to offer peace and introduce myself. He answered me and seemed receptive to having a conversation. | “I’m not sure I understood. You’re saying my name is Mars?” | “Yeah, last week you wore a purple/orange shirt and the rings of mars are like that so I’m gonna call you Mars.” | Communication Technique: Active listening, Restating/ ClarificationEvaluation: Restating/ Clarification allows him to know what I’m listening to him. | “Oh (tilting my head to the side) so the rings of the orbits you’re saying are orange/purple and I wore the shirt that resembled that so you call me Mars. I hear what you’re saying. Go on.”(silence) | “Yeah it’s near my home planet. Have you ever heard of Nepto?” | Communication Technique: para-language.general leads, silence, clarification, active listening.Evaluation: Silence allows me to collect my thoughts. Clarification allows me to tell him that I understand what he is saying. Titling my head to the side lets him know that I’m thinking and present in the conversation. The general lead “go on” is helpful to keep the conversation going. | “I’m not sure I understood. You come from the planet Nepto? I’ve never heard of that. I didn’t know that planet existed. I come from here on planet Earth which is where all people are from.” | “I know we are on Earth now, but I’m just visiting. I’m waiting to go back to my planet one day.” | Communication Technique: Clarification, validating the present.Evaluation: Clarifying allows me to hear what he is saying. I was trying to listen to him, but also trying and be realistic by saying all people came from Earth. | “That may be so, but I didn’t think people could live on other planets.” | “I can.” (At this point the line up for gym began and our conversation ended.) | Communication Technique: Sharing an observation. Validating the present.Evaluation: I was trying so hard to believe him, but also try and validate the present. I don’t think it worked as well as it could of. |

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