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Pre And Post-Test Assessment

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Compare your experience in taking the pre and post-test assessment.

For this post exam, I experienced more anxiety than with the previous assessment test. I reviewed APEA material for most of the week, so I felt better prepared in some areas. However, with this exam falling on a holiday week, it was difficult to maintain consistent review times. Physically, I felt like I was sitting for the actual exam, therefore, my stomach was unsettled. However, I was more focused on taking my time reading the questions instead of rushing through the exam.

Compare the scores you received pre and post-test, and the areas of lowest and highest scores. How did you do? The results of the pre-test reveal the lowest scores in Diagnosis and the post-test evaluation indicate that this is an area in which I need to improve in. My scores were consistently high for Assessment, however, they dropped in Planning and Intervention. I believe the challenge is deciding the most appropriate intervention. The areas of Evaluation and Pharmocotherapeutics were improved. …show more content…
After reviewing my results, I need to study specific components of diseases including symptoms in order to better diagnose the problem. This will also help increase my knowledge in planning and intervention. The resources I intend to use are reviewing Fitzgerald Preparation book and continue to make notecards. I will critically review the APEA videos and workbook. I have also obtained the newest addition of Liek Review book in which I plan to read cover to cover and answer all the questions. Lastly, I have the FNP Mastery app that allows me to review questions on the go.

Time to take test: Explain the experience of taking the assessment test; how long did it take, did you have enough time, what were the questions

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