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Pre-Marital Sex: Policy Implementation


Submitted By evelez
Words 2026
Pages 9
Pre-Marital Sex: Implementation Process
Pre-marital sex has been a pressing public policy issue for decades. In the United States, numerous programs have been implemented to deal with the effects that pre-marital sex has had on the Nation’s economy and various other areas. In an essay prior to this paper, we looked at pre-marital sex from a public policy standpoint by judging the issue from five contexts: political, economic, social, historical, and ethical. In this essay, we will continue to examine pre-marital sex as a public policy issue, but we will be focusing on the policy implementation process; first by looking at what may cause it to be a problem, then by looking at the steps that the U.S. Government can take to find alternatives and implement policies, after we can look at policies that the U.S. Government has taken to fix the problem, and finally we will examine the most important criteria that is necessary to evaluate a public policy.
Before I begin, I feel that it is important to draw attention to a portion of my first essay. Since we are looking at the implementation of policies, we must first come to a conclusion as to what the issue we are looking at affects most. Out of the five contexts examined in the first essay, I believe that the economic problems caused by pre-marital sex is the primary focus of the U.S Government; therefore, when looking for the root cause of the problem, we will be looking at it from the eyes of U.S policy makers and what they might see as pressing issues that may affect pre-marital sex and some of the consequences that stem from it, including high teen pregnancy rates and high rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among teens. None of what will be stated in this essay should be considered my own personal belief, but what I see as causes that may be brought up by policy makers. It is also important to note that

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